United States or Wallis and Futuna ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In reply, Boudinot did not deny that all powers, vested heretofore in any individual State, and not granted by this instrument, were still retained by the people of such State and could not be exercised by Congress. But he then showed that the power to incorporate the bank was "drawn by necessary implication" from those expressed.

Eighteen sent to the Sugar House. Dr Bard came to visit Justice Moore, but his wife was refused, tho' her husband was dying. Justice Moore died and was carried out. Several sick people removed below. Provost very sickly and some die. July 3. Received from Mrs Curson per Mrs. Marriner, two half Joes. Received of E. Boudinot, per Pintard, ten half Joes. Capt.

Poetry demands a richer and more various culture, and, however good we may find such men as John Woolman and Elias Boudinot, they make us feel painfully that the salt of the earth is something very different, to say the least, from the Attic variety of the same mineral.

The General ordered me on this service. I accordingly went over on the 3rd of Feb. 1778, in my own Sloop." The Commandant at this time was General Robertson, by whom Boudinot was very well treated, and allowed, in company with a British officer, to visit the prisons.

Elias Boudinot. They complained that they were closely confined in the jail without distinction of rank or character, amongst felons, a number of whom were under sentence of death: that their friends were not allowed to speak to them, even through the grates: that they were put on the scanty allowance of two pounds hard biscuit, and two pounds of raw pork per week, without fuel to dress it.

Any of these modes will be agreeable to me. UNITED STATES, February 20, 1801. Gentlemen of the Senate and Gentlemen of the House of Representatives: I transmit to Congress a report received this morning from Elias Boudinot, esq., Director of the Mint, dated February 13, 1801, which will require the attention and decision of Congress before the close of the session. UNITED STATES, March 2, 1801.

Boudinot "hoped that the Secretary of the Treasury might be permitted to make his report in person in order to answer such inquiries as the members might be disposed to make, for it was a justifiable surmise that gentlemen would not be able clearly to comprehend so intricate a subject without oral illustration."

And then you must take him round and show him every room and every closet. And you must come down real often, Hanny. There's the lovely little park, you know. Aunt Boudinot has a key. They're such nice queer old ladies, you'll be sure to like them." "I don't always like queer people," said Hanny, rather affronted. "I don't mean cross or ugly.

Smith, borne with us for more than three-score years and ten: He has even made our country opulent, and shed the blessings of affluence and prosperity on our land, notwithstanding all its slaves, and must we now be ruined on account of the tender consciences of a few scrupulous individuals who differ from us on this point? Mr. Boudinot agreed with the general doctrines of Mr.

Boudinot observed, that he was well informed that the tax or duty of ten dollars was provided, instead of the five per cent. ad valorem, and was so expressly understood by all parties in the convention; that therefore it was the interest and duty of congress to impose this tax, or it would not be doing justice to the States, or equalizing the duties throughout the Union.