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At one end of the down-soft clearing, a Methodist chapel, two shops and five cottages constitute the village of Lashmar; at the other lies Lashmar Mill-House, slumbering half-hidden by beech trees to the unchanging murmur of the Bort.

After Haldane appeared he delayed until a few cronies whom he could depend upon had dropped in, and then, in an off-hand way, stepped up to the despondent youth, and said: "I zay, mister, you been here zwei week; I want you bay me now." "What do you mean?" asked Haldane, looking up with an uncomprehending stare. "Dis is vot I mean; you buts me off long nuff. I vants zwei weeks' bort."

Bort, búzát, békességet, Fát, füvet, feleséget, Pipát, puskát, patrontást, Es egy butykos pálinkát! Ikétum, pikétum, holt! berdo! vivát!"

He did not clear with Miss Plock in the dispensary, nor with Mr. Fert in Personnel, nor with Miss Yurt in Wage Readjustment, nor with Miss Bort in Sick Leave Subdivision, nor with Miss Vibe in Special Problems, nor with Mr. Pfister in Sick Claims, nor with Miss Grope in Employee Grievances, nor with Miss Rupnick in Company Grievances, nor with Miss Guggward in Allowance Reductions, nor with Mr.

Uncle Bob looked up, and, seeing she was pale and thin, offered her a seat, which she accepted. "Is this always your work?" asked Ann, by way of opening a conversation with the old man. "In cose 'tis," he replied; "who dat gwine ter make de baskits les'n hit's me? I done make baskits 'fo mistiss wuz born; I usen ter 'long ter her pa; I ain't no bort nigger myse'f."

Before descending to the road and beginning the day's journey I indulged for a little while the musing mood of the solitary wanderer in the grassy burying-ground on the edge of the cliff. I started for Bort ere the intensely blue sky began to pale before the increasing brilliancy of the sun.

La pauvre femme, voiant approcher el navire, se tira au bort de la mer, auquel lieu la trouverent a leur arrivee.

"But where'd they get their food and things?" "Bort 'em in shops like I used to 'ave. I'll show you the place, Teddy, if we go back. People nowadays 'aven't no idee of a shop no idee. Plate-glass winders it's all Greek to them. Why, I've 'ad as much as a ton and a 'arf of petaties to 'andle all at one time. You'd open your eyes till they dropped out to see jes' what I used to 'ave in my shop.

You can go, and ven you brings de full moneys for zwei weeks' bort I gives you receipt for him." Haldane vouchsafed no reply, but hastened away, as a fly would escape from a spider's web. The episode, intensely disagreeable as it was, had the good effect of arousing him out of the paralysis of his deep despondency.