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Weeks before, Atmananda gave me permission to attend his parties provided that I did not "vibe" the women. "Don't look at them as women," my brother had suggested, quoting Chinmoy and Atmananda. "Look at them as seekers. When you look at them as women, it hurts their evolution." I assured him I would try. After I moved to Stony Brook, I started going to Atmananda's parties regularly.

But don't continue trying to raise money through fraudulent behavior which neither the courts, nor most religions would condone... Further info. available from 299-1535." Also in 1991, I read in Newsday that Rama did not permit disciples to live near him because he did not want them to "lower the vibe" of Long Island.

He did not clear with Miss Plock in the dispensary, nor with Mr. Fert in Personnel, nor with Miss Yurt in Wage Readjustment, nor with Miss Bort in Sick Leave Subdivision, nor with Miss Vibe in Special Problems, nor with Mr. Pfister in Sick Claims, nor with Miss Grope in Employee Grievances, nor with Miss Rupnick in Company Grievances, nor with Miss Guggward in Allowance Reductions, nor with Mr.

Charging one thousand dollars a person for weekend desert trips . ... ratna rupena... Increasing his advertising budget from hundreds to hundreds of thousands . ... sangsthita... Requesting that manditory tuition which took the place of the voluntary Money Club be paid in hundred dollar denominations to avoid "low vibe" tens and twenties.