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In this struggle any fresher who had never played rugger in his life, but thought he would like some exercise, could play, while footer blues dodged round and took your names, if you were lucky enough to touch the ball, and booked you for the proper game.

I decided to wear this outfit on the journey to Toulouse, as I was not with my regiment, so I packed my uniform in my trunk and took it to the stage-coach, where I booked my seat and, unfortunately, paid in advance.

There's a whole hive of Merrifields to make merry with her; and, by the bye, Cherry, what should you think of housing a little chap for the school here where Fergus Merrifield is?" "Your dear little Felix? Delightful!" "Ouf! No, he is booked for our grammar school." "The grammar school was not good for any of you, except the one whom nothing hurt." "It is very different now.

"Faith, next mornin' he was booked; and the first thing he see'd when he waked was another man a tryin' on of his shoes, to see how they'd fit to march to the head of his regiment with. Fact, I assure you, and a fact too that shows what Englishmen has come to; I despise 'em, I hate 'em, I scorn such critters as I do oncarcumcised niggers." "What a strange perversion of facts," I replied.

She says she must make arrangements, send cables and so on, and she's got to have a straight answer yes or no at once." "Yes, and then what?" Her hold on his shoulders tightened avidly. "She's booked sailings for herself and the girl for the 8th, and she wants to book one for me, too. Otherwise she says it's all off." "Ah! What did you tell her?" "I promised I'd go."

I did n't go off to the Old World to learn my business; no one took me by the hand; I had to grease my wheels myself, and, such as I am, I 'm a self-made man, every inch of me! Well, if our young friend is booked for fame and fortune, I don't suppose his going to Rome will stop him. But, mind you, it won't help him such a long way, either.

Lord Holme stared at his varnished boots and looked rather like a puzzled boy at a viva voce examination. "The worst of it is, I can't be in the country lookin' at a horse that night," he said with depression. "Why not?" She hastily added: "But why should you? You ought to be here." "I'd rather be lookin' at a horse. But I'm booked for the dinner to Rowley at the Nation Club that night.

They even attempted to break out the road, and Herrick harnessed his horse and started for home; but he had not gone ten rods before he was forced to turn back. "'T ain't no use," he grumbled. "I calc'late I'm booked here till the crack o' doom!" "An' ter-morrer's the fun'ral," groaned Jim. "An' I can't git nowhere <i>nowhere</i> ter tell 'em not ter come!"

Beaver Dam Rock was out in the middle of the river now, and throwing a prodigious 'break; it used to be close to the shore, and boats went down outside of it. A big island that used to be away out in mid-river, has retired to the Missouri shore, and boats do not go near it any more. The island called Jacket Pattern is whittled down to a wedge now, and is booked for early destruction.

But 'tis written that a leopard cannot change his spots." "The passage shall be booked this day," I said. That morning was an eventful one. Comyn arrived first, dressed in a suit of mauve French cloth that set off his fine figure to great advantage. He regarded me keenly as he entered, as if to discover whether I had changed my mind over night. And I saw he was not in the best of tempers.