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Compulsory insurance found for many years a powerful English advocate in Canon Blackley; and it has been recommended by a recent inquiry in Holland, which, however, refused to propose any system of old-age pensions.

This disease has been most thoroughly and laboriously investigated by Mr. Mr. Blackley had little difficulty in determining that the cause of his trouble was the pollen of grasses and flowers, and his investigations showed that the pollen of some plants was far more irritating than the pollen of others.

It is almost incredible that, even after the trial, priests and magistrates who had promoted the prosecution professed to believe that the charge was true. This singular narrative, in defence of the poor persecuted Quakeress, is signed James Blackley, an alderman, George Whitehead, and three others.

He had had public disputations with male and female Quakers from time to time, at the Market Cross at Bedford, at "Paul's Steeple-house in Bedford town," and other places. One of them, Anne Blackley by name, openly bade him throw away the Scriptures, to which Bunyan replied, "No; for then the devil would be too hard for me."

Ford, who drew the pictures, and to the ladies, Miss Blackley, Miss Alma Alleyne, Miss Eleanor Sellar, Miss May Sellar, Miss Wright, and Mrs. Lang, who translated many of the tales out of French, German, and other languages. If we have a book for you next year, it shall not be a fairy book. What it is to be is a secret, but we hope that it will not be dull.

A breeze was blowing from the sea, and had been blowing for 12 or 15 hours. Mr. Blackley flew his kite to an elevation of 1,000 feet. The glass attached to the kite was exposed for three hours, and on it there were 80 grains of pollen, whereas a similar glass, exposed at the margin of the water, showed no pollen nor any organic form. Whence came this pollen collected on the upper glass?

Blackley devised some very ingenious experiments to determine the number of grains floating in the air at different altitudes. The experiments were conducted by means of a kite, to which the slips of glass were attached, fixed in an ingenious apparatus, by means of which the surface of the glass was kept covered until a considerable altitude had been reached. Mr.

Having satisfied himself that pollen was capable of producing all the symptoms of hay fever, Mr. Blackley next sought to determine, by a series of experiments, the quantity of pollen found floating in the atmosphere during the prevalence of hay fever, and its relation to the intensity of the symptoms.

Blackley gives two tables, showing the average number of pollen grains collected in twenty-four hours on one square of glass, between May 28 and August 21, in both a rural and an urban position. The maximum both in town and country was reached on June 28, when in the town 105 pollen grains were deposited, and in the country 880 grains.

The number of grains deposited was found to vary much, falling almost to zero during heavy rain and rising to a maximum if the rain were followed by bright sunshine. Mr. Blackley found that the severity of his own symptoms closely corresponded to the number of pollen grains deposited on his glasses. Mr.