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The hills abounded in metals of all sorts, iron in all its combinations, copper, bismuth, gold and silver in small quantities, platinum he believed, tin, aluminium; it was covered with forests and strange plants; in the woods were found the coon, the opossum, the fox, the deer and many other animals who roamed in the domain of natural history; coal existed in enormous quantity and no doubt oil; it was such a place for the practice of agricultural experiments that any student who had been successful there would have an easy task in any other portion of the country.

Quinine for the regular morning and evening doses, sulphonal and trional for insomnia, ether for injections in case of anemia after hemorrhage, morphine for delirium, citrite of caffeine for weakness of the heart, tincture of valerian for the tympanites, bismuth to relieve nausea and vomiting, and the crushed ice wrapped in flannel cloths for the cold pack in the event of hyperpyrexia.

That he has actually realized, in spirit and in effect, if not to the letter, the old chimaera of the philosopher's stone, no sane person is at liberty to doubt. The opinions of Arago are, of course, entitled to the greatest consideration; but he is by no means infallible; and what he says of bismuth, in his report to the Academy, must be taken cum grano salis.

I had a very distinct recollection of having thoroughly cleared the table before beginning my experiment, so that this substance had been deposited there since I had left for London. Much interested, I very carefully collected it all into one vessel, and examined it minutely. There could be no question as to what it was. It was the purest mercury, and gave no response to any test for bismuth.

The bottles contain 65 grammes of a thick white fluid, the precipitate from which consists of zinc oxide and bismuth oxychloride, and is scented with rose water. Lait Antiphelique. It contains alcohol, camphor, ammonic chloride, half per cent. of corrosive sublimate, albumen, and a little free hydrochloric acid. Lait de Concombres.

The inside of the sore does not seem very tender, but the leg stays swollen all of the time and is somewhat feverish. This is probably a fistulous track that should be curetted by a veterinarian, after which the following formula could be used to heal: Acetanilide, 1/2 ounce; zinc oxide, 1/4 ounce; bismuth subgalate, 1 1/4 ounce. Mix and apply on cotton and bandage once daily after washing.

'Certainly, my dear fellow, said Mark, with a wave of his hand. His cigar was a really excellent one, and he thought he would try another presently. 'I'll tell you an odd criticism I heard the other day. I was talking to little Mrs. Bismuth you know Mrs. Bismuth by name? Some fellow has just taken the "Charivari" for her.

'Ma chatte, you have made me positively adorable, she would say, peering at her reflection in the ivory hand-mirror, a dazzling image of rouge and bismuth, carmined lips, diamonds, and frizzy yellow hair; 'I verily believe I look under thirty but do not you think this gown is a thought too decolletée un peu trop de peau, hein? 'Not for you, Lady Kirkbank, with your fine shoulders.

The alimentary tract is relieved of the irritating material by giving the animal a physic of castor or linseed oil. The dose varies from one-quarter to one-half ounce for the lamb and from one to four ounces for the colt or calf. It is advisable in most cases to follow this with the following mixture: bicarbonate of soda one ounce, bismuth subnitrate one-half ounce, and salol one-quarter ounce.

The child must be dressed as loosely as possible; and when in its cot, should lie there with no other covering than its little shirt; and nothing gives so much relief to the irritation as the abundant use of powder, either simple starch powder, or ten parts of starch powder to one of oxide of zinc, or carbonate of bismuth.