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When the four dollars were paid, it seemed almost like getting a Christmas present out of season. Johnny's imagination was fired. "There's lots of printing we might get," said he. "Look at all the envelopes my papa uses, and there's his letter-heads, and bill-heads and lots else. But we can't do it on that thing! It takes different kinds of type."

He followed every visible word of that paper to discover its date and origin, but those miserable bill-heads frustrated his effort. He felt like dashing his hand through the glass, but reflected that the act might result in his being locked up in some miserable country jail. He tried the window and gave the door another vicious shake, but all to no purpose.

I went for some American inventors, to a rifle ground, and explained to the Lords of the Admiralty the merits of a new projectile; wrote letters to all the Continental sovereigns for an itinerant and independent embassador, and was at last so poor that my only writing papers were a druggist's waste bill-heads.

At first they were elaborate, and included the big foot press and four fonts of type and three colours of ink and fixings innumerable. They then shrank modestly by gradations until they stuck at the 5×7 form. Bobby would not have cared for a press smaller than that, for he wanted to print real things, like bill-heads and whist cards and perhaps a small newspaper.

"Hello!" he said to himself; "George is working late tonight; guess I'll run in and see if he's got that last batch of bill-heads fixed yet; we'll need 'em tomorrow morning.

"I've already written out the order for new bill-heads and new cards! and I've sent round the order about Monday," he went on. "But if this dratted Bank Holiday goes on, there won't be much work done in Witanbury on Monday! Hush! Here she comes." There had come a ring at the back door. Polly went out, and a moment later brought back the old German woman.

He could read the large headlines of a column no more, for the paper was upside down, and a bunch of bill-heads lay partly across it. It read: MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE OF YOUNG AND PRETTY WOMAN His heart stood still, and then went thudding on in dull, horrid blows. Vainly he tried to read further.