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Janis, Irving Berlin, Frances Carson, and Desiree Bibble who looked appalling in probably the rudest hat that has ever been worn by man, woman, or child. Marc Connelly made me laugh for twenty minutes over a friend's funeral what a sense of humour!

I've got work to do, if you haven't." And to prove it, Helen May began to type at her best speed. Vic languidly removed himself from the door jamb and with a parting "I should bibble," started back to his goats, which he had refused to graze outside the Basin as Holman Sommers advised.

If their consciences would have permitted them to glance back they would have remarked their superior's face registering unholy delight. Out of the corner of his mouth Redmond shot, tensely, "Dye think he " "Oh!" broke in Yorke resignedly, sotto voce. "You can't fool him! . . . Isch ga bibble, anyway!"

We’re little fellows. Our graft ain’t big like the Dutch Emperor’s, but maybe it comes just as regular on pay day. Ich ka bibble." "Duck," I said, "you explain your presence here by telling me that you enlisted while drunk. How do you explain my being here?" "You’re a Doc. I guess there must be big money into it," he returned with a wink. "I draw no pay." "I believe you," he remarked, leering.

You can always scare the other fellows off that way; the sky is the limit and you're bound to get your money back. So you should Ish ka bibble. "Now you two young freshies go back to your desks and try to learn humility. Thus endeth the first lesson, my children." Matt Peasley came close to Cappy and put his big arm round the little old man. "Cappy," he whispered, "please don't retire!"

Then throwing off his assumed character he added: "Get a move on you, they will be in at the front door in a minute! "And what are you going to do with this?" he asked on seeing the Count. "Don't you think we had better wing it before we leave? Ish ka bibble." "No." Edestone pushed him ahead of him out of the room. And to Jones: "Good-bye, William," he called over his shoulder.

"'Ere!" remonstrated Hardy darkly, "chack it, Reddy! . . . You know wot 'appens t' them as starts in, a-guyin' old soweljers? eh? Well, I tell yer now! worse'n wot 'appened t' them fresh kids in th' Bible wot mocked th' old blowke abaht 'is bald 'ead." "Isch ga bibble!

I'm darned if I like getting the freedom of the City of Cow Run sportin' such a pretty mug as this! How many more miles to this giddy burg, old thing?" Yorke grinned unfeelingly. "Hard on nine miles to go yet. We're about half way. Isch ga bibble! . . . open your ditty-box and sing! you blooming whip-poor-will." "A werry heart goes all the way, But a sad one tires in a mile a'; A "