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So Biorn, when his ranks gave back, unloosed his hound and sent it against the enemy; wishing to win with the biting of a dog the victory which he could not achieve with the sword. The enemy were by this means shamefully routed, for a square of the warriors ran away when attacked with its teeth. There is no saying whether their flight was more dismal or more disgraceful.

"I had hoped," answered Biorn, "that you would be well contented to stay in this castle, lovely lady; I leave my son to guard you and attend on you." Gabrielle hesitated an instant; and Sintram, who had resumed his position near the fire, muttered to himself as he fixed his eyes on the bright flames which were flashing up, "Yes, yes, so it will probably happen.

Then presently they looked at each other, and Leif laughed. "I think there is something to be said for Biorn; but although this is a barren land there is no reason why it should not have a name. I will call it Helloland, for such it is." Then they returned to their ship, and up-anchor, and away along the coast, so far as that allowed, but always keeping a straight course.

He then spent the life of a pirate, in the course of which he visited the coast, and, while pretending to attempt to be reconciled to his family, treacherously murdered his cousin Biorn. After six years he repented, went barefoot on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and died while returning.

He is fond of me, is my father." "And you, certainly, of him," Gudrid said. "You seem to be a loving couple." "He spoke to me about you," Biorn went on, pursuing his own thoughts. "He was much taken with you, and seemed to think you were singled out for great honour. And clearly you are. But I value my life and so I told my father. And then he spoke scornfully to me, and hurt my feelings."

"All very well," said Biorn, "but I'll trouble you to remember that Greenland was a new country to me and my father in it moreover. And one new country at a time is enough, I suppose."

Look me in the face: who allowed you to ride on his horse, and in return had his good steed driven almost wild? Speak, if you can!" Biorn smiled, shaking his head, but well pleased, as was his wont, with his son's wild behaviour; while the pilgrim shuddered as if terrified and overcome by some fearful irresistible power.

As the boys grew, Leif and Harald were ever fond of roaming, while Biorn wished to live on the farm at peace. Their sister Freydis went with the older boys and urged them on. She was not gentle and amiable, but full of energy and courage: she was also quarrelsome and vindictive.

At his death in 1036, the earldoms of Northumbria and East Anglia the more strictly Danish parts were held by a true Danish hero, Siward Biorn, alias Digre "the Stout", conqueror of Macbeth, and son of the Fairy Bear; proving his descent, men said, by his pointed and hairy ears. Mercia, the great central plateau of England, was held by Earl Leofric, husband of the famous Lady Godiva.

According to this writer, one Biorn of Iceland, sailing to Greenland in search of his father, from whom he had been separated by a storm, was driven by tempestuous weather far to the southwest, until he came in sight of a low country, covered with wood, with an island in its vicinity. The weather becoming favorable, he turned to the northeast without landing, and arrived safe at Greenland.