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He had but copied the death-song which his father's friend and compeer, Siward Digre, the victor of Dunsinane, had sung for himself some three years before. Young Sigtryg leapt up, and took the cup to Hereward. "Such a scald," he said, "ought to have no meaner cup-bearer than a king's son."

De almindelige norröne dragekampe lige fra Sigurds drab Fåvne har stadig til mål at vinde dragens guld. For Sivard digre eksisterer dette motiv ikke; han vil frelse de hjemsögte mennesker. Af alle de islandske dragekampe har kun Björn Hitdölekæmpes noget tilsvarende, og her er det næppe tilfældigt at også den er henlagt til de engelske farvande.

Old Siward Digre may stand your friend." "He? He is a fast friend of my father's." "What of that? the old Viking will like you none the less for having shown a touch of his own temper. Go to him, I say, and tell him that I sent you." "But he is fighting the Scots beyond the Forth." "So much the better. There will be good work for you to do.

There was a mystery about the uncanny brute which charmed Hereward. He was said to be half-human, perhaps wholly human; to be the son of the Fairy Bear, near kinsman, if not uncle or cousin, of Siward Digre.

At his death in 1036, the earldoms of Northumbria and East Anglia the more strictly Danish parts were held by a true Danish hero, Siward Biorn, alias Digre "the Stout", conqueror of Macbeth, and son of the Fairy Bear; proving his descent, men said, by his pointed and hairy ears. Mercia, the great central plateau of England, was held by Earl Leofric, husband of the famous Lady Godiva.