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A year of uninterrupted prosperity had made her a trifle more sleek than before, and though she still affected a Spartan simplicity of dress, her frock was made of better materials than formerly, and her cap was adorned with black ribbands of real silk. The day was warm, and Berbel came out into the court to breathe the air.

'It is a strange story, she said at last. 'But I do not see that there can be any doubt. O Berbel, Berbel! What do you think there is written inside this little bit of paper? 'A few words to say good-bye to his son, I suppose, the woman answered.

'Yes, she continued, 'and the wretched servant took it to a Jew and sold it, and the Jew hid it I suppose because he knew it was stolen and long afterwards, only a very few days ago, he sold it to Wastei and Wastei gave it to Berbel, and Berbel showed it to me. 'Is it safe? asked Greif, almost under his breath. 'Yes quite safe. 'Then I do not want to see it 'I have not told you all, dear.

The baroness continued to speak in gentle tones, determined to obtain an answer from him, and if possible to make him engage in argument, for she believed that if he argued he was lost. 'Yes, she said. 'It is a lonely life she leads up there. I am too old to be a real companion, and there is only old Berbel besides.

For Berbel voluntarily shared privations, to which the two ladies were obliged to submit. Berbel was faithful, devoted, uncomplaining, cheerful; and she was all this, not for the sake of a servant's pay, since her wages were infinitesimally small, but out of pure affection for her mistress.

'And what am I to do with your coat? inquired Berbel. In spite of the question she had thrust the bundle under one arm and held it firmly, with the evident intention of keeping it. 'When you have given the letter to the baron, you might be so kind as to mend the pocket for me, said Wastei calmly. 'But I told you I should perhaps wait some time before giving the letter.

'Old friends, old logs, old spirits, observed Wastei. 'We have known each other a long time, Frau Berbel, in good and bad days, summer and winter, and you have always been the same to me. 'Small credit for that! exclaimed Berbel. 'You have done me many a good turn in twenty years, and my ladies too, and you have never got much by it, that I can see more praise to you!

Greif was by nature gregarious, and was not satisfied with the society of his dogs, but usually took a couple of men with him, when he could not prevail upon Rex to join in his expeditions. Berbel went into the court and asked a few questions, carelessly enough. It was a warm morning and the men seemed sleepy after the carousal of the previous night.

Berbel had been the wife of Lieutenant von Sigmundskron's servant, who had fallen beside his master, rifle in hand, his face to the enemy. Mistress and maid were left alike widows on the same day, alike young and portionless, the only difference being that Frau von Sigmundskron had Hilda, while poor Berbel was childless.

Not that I ever lied much, either, though I have told some smart tales to the foresters in the old days, when I was a free-shot in the forest, and they were always trying to catch me with a hare in my pocket and to you too, Frau Berbel, when I used to make you think the game was all right. What did it matter, so long as you had it to eat, you and well, those were queer times.