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Updated: November 26, 2024

He had more faith in bullets and arrows than in I-sa-tai's medicine, but I-sa-tai went along. There were two Adobe Walls, on the south branch of the Canadian River, in Hutchinson County, Texas Pan-handle. The first had been built in 1845 by William Bent and his partners of Bent's Fort, as another trading-post, to deal with the Red River Comanches.

All over the city people talked of nothing else but gold, and of all the exaggeration stories about gold mines that I had ever heard, the ones told there were the most incredible. The parties who brought the news to Dallas had not been to the mines themselves, but had been told these wonderful stories at Bent's Fort. Capt.

On the 1st of August a new camp near Bent's Fort was established, from whence twenty men under Lieutenant de Courcy, with orders to proceed through the mountains to the valley of Taos, to learn something of the disposition and intentions of the people, and to rejoin General Kearney on the road to Santa Fe.

Roubidoux that I will be at Bent's Fort as soon as I finish this job and can get there, and that if they want me to go and trade with the Comanches, I have everything cut and dried for business, for I have visited all the main villages on this trip, and the Indians are expecting to see me back in four months to trade with them."

Theodore Bent's expedition was not sanctioned by Government, in spite of the fact that the Indian Government had actually placed at my husband's disposal a surveyor, Imam Sharif, Khan Bahadur. We had no assistance beyond two very inferior letters to the sultans of Makalla and Sheher, which made them think we were 'people of the rank of merchants, they afterwards said.

I told them that I was glad of the privilege of saving their lives. And besides, the Government would pay me for my services. Cook John had a nice sack of bread ready for me, and I accepted his gift gladly. I bid them all good bye and struck out for Bent's Fort, and it was about as lonesome a journey as I ever made in my life.

I remained in the trenches until 7 P.M. rather a long spell and on coming up dined, and found an order to be at the night attack at twelve midnight on June 17 and 18. I was attached to Bent's column, with Lieutenants Murray and Graham, R.E., and we were to go into the Redan at the Russians' right flank.

We traded for enough furs in one day to load our entire pack-train of thirty-two horses. The next morning we loaded up our furs and pulled out, telling the chief that we would be back in one moon meaning in their language, one month which would keep us busy, it being about four hundred miles to Bent's Fort, and as we were heavily loaded we would have to travel slow.

Kitely's gone out for his regular bedtime constitution he will have that, wet or fine, every night. But he's much longer than usual, and " She stopped suddenly, seeing some news in Bent's face, and her own contracted to a questioning look. "Is there aught amiss?" she asked. "Has something happened him? Aught that's serious? You needn't be afraid to speak, Mr.

The excitement did not last more than a week before it commenced to die away. By this time we had about disposed of our horses, and the wounded men were able to go to their homes. The Capt. settled up with the men, and he and I divided the remainder of the money. After we were square, the Capt. asked what I was going to do. I told him that I was going back to Bent's Fort.

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