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Of course ordinary people didn't refer to themselves as homo terrestrialis, but that's what they were just the same. Scotty was just as puzzled. "Do you make anything out of it?" he inquired. Rick shook his head mutely. As Barby made a beeline for the library, Scotty called after her, "Where are you going? It's lunchtime." She answered without pausing.

Hazebrouck, for example, is a thoroughly Flemish town, though nearly ten miles, in a beeline, inside the French border Flemish not merely, like Dunkirk, in the architecture of its great brick church, but also actually Flemish in language, and in the names that one reads above its shop doors.

Wakabayashi checked into the cool and spacious Hotel Tivoli, run by the United States Government on Canal Zone territory and, protected by the guardian wings of the somewhat sleepy American Eagle, washed up and made a beeline for the Boyd Bros. office, where he was closeted with the general manager for over an hour.

In their present form, Tut's treasures were beyond price. The pangs of hunger finally drove them from the fascinating place, and both agreed to return with someone who could explain what they were seeing. They emerged into the brilliant Egyptian sunlight and stood blinking. "We'd better head for the hotel on a beeline," Scotty suggested.

Morning found our canoe close to the rocky coast of Hiva-oa. As is their custom, instead of making a beeline for our destination or sailing to it close-hauled as the winds permitted, the Marquesans had steered for the nearest shore, following along it to port.

During the war, he and Kathie had kept the Tri-State Agency in something better than a state of suspended animation while Rand had been in the Army. Ritter fumbled a Camel out of his shirt pocket and made a beeline for the desk, appropriating Rand's lighter and sharing the flame with Kathie.

At this sudden intrusion into their domain, a brood of chickens, who had been clucking sedately around, and picking up nourishment at the same time, scattered screaming in every direction, heads down, feet sprawling, until by unanimous consent they made a beeline for a half-open door, leading to the orchard.

At first the walls took a beeline track up the hillside, but when they reached the higher ground, where scars of rock and patches of reedy swamp lay in their path, their progress became serpentine. But whether straight or winding, the white walls mounted ever upwards, and Peregrine knew that his doom was sealed.

His son he has tied as tight to the office as any tenpenny clerk; doesn't get off till after five, and then he makes a beeline for the Marteens' or goes wherever he'll find the girl. I think but, perhaps you know best." He paused, with one of his characteristic shuffles. Gard noted the sign and interpreted it correctly. "If you've got a good idea, it's worth your while," he said shortly.

The Selden kid has done told Uncle McClintock about Stan being in jail. She told him Stan hadn't written to Cousin Oscar about no jail, and that I wasn't to tell him either. Now goes Cousin Oscar on a beeline to tell Uncle how dreadful Stanley has went and disgraced the family; and Uncle will want to know how he heard of it.