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Within the altar of the old village church there stands a white marble tablet, which bears as yet but one word: 'AGNES. There is no coffin in that tomb; and may it be many, many years, before another name is placed above it!

The old hall where Bess was born almost touches the new one that she built, and which bears the initials of the proud and determined woman in many places outside and in. It was here that Mary Queen of Scots was held in captivity part of the time that she was placed by Queen Elizabeth in the custody of the Earl of Shrewsbury, and her statue stands in the hall.

Something like that, one may imagine, must be the private fun of abdication. Forbes-Robertson, as he himself has told us, lays down one art only to take up another to which he has long been devoted, and of his early affiliation to which the figure of Love Kissing Beatrice in Rossetti's "Dante's Dream" bears illustrious and significant witness.

In this box every night the beautiful strange lady was seen closely veiled, and the gloomy pale face of Bonnier had been repeatedly beheld by her side. Victoria de Poutet, therefore, had accomplished her purpose; she had tamed one of the French bears, and surrounded him with the magic nets of her beauty.

So we all galloped forward together, prepared for a hard fight; for these bears, though clumsy in appearance and extremely large, are incredibly fierce and active. The swell of the prairie concealed the black object from our view. Immediately after it appeared again.

The only difficulty would be in finding a sufficient supply of food for such captives, for although they will eat fish they have no skill in capturing them such as is possessed by their more degraded, or perhaps we should say their less advanced kindred, the polar bears. Still, as the form is even more omnivorous than man, it might be practicable to feed them.

He walked for a couple of miles through one ravine after another without success, though from the marks upon the bark of the trees, and other indications, he judged that there were numerous bears in the vicinity.

After this he joined Megara to Attica, and erected that famous pillar on the Isthmus, which bears an inscription of two lines, showing the bounds of the two countries that meet there. On the east side the inscription is, Peloponnesus there, Ionia here, and on the west side, Peloponnesus here, Ionia there.

In London, this insincere cockney adopts Savage's view. There every bush with nature's music rings, There every breeze bears health upon its wings. Johnson had not yet learnt the value of perfect sincerity even in poetry.

"You are growing weaker every day," he said; "and would better go to your home and rest." "What will you give me extra if I will travel and exhibit the bears every day for ten weeks?" added old Adams, eagerly. "Five hundred dollars." "Done!" exclaimed Adams, "I will do it, so draw up an agreement to that effect at once.