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This fight's going to keep us all hopping." And Jip was right. Before a quarter of an hour had gone by our village was completely surrounded by one huge mob of yelling, raging Bag-jagderags. I now come again to a part in the story of our voyages where things happened so quickly, one upon the other, that looking backwards I see the picture only in a confused kind of way.

What they said I did not understand; but we noticed that several canoes filled with Bag-jagderags followed us at a respectful distance all the way back to Popsipetel. The Doctor had determined to return by the other shore, so that we should be thus able to make a complete trip round the island's shores.

Our neighbors to the southward, the thievish Bag-jagderags, who for so long have cast envious eyes on our stores of ripe corn, have gone upon the war-path; and even now are advancing to attack us." "Evil news indeed," said the Doctor. "Yet let us not judge harshly. Perhaps it is that they are desperate for food, having their own crops frost-killed before harvest.

Like a wall of destruction they stood in a row, Flattening enemies, six at a blow. Oh, strong was the Red-skin fierce was the Black. Bag-jagderags trembled and tried to turn back. But 'twas of the White Man they shouted, "Beware! He throws men in handfuls, straight up in the air!" Long shall they frighten bad children at night With tales of the Red and the Black and the White.

It has since become one of the traditional folksongs of the Popsipetels. Oh hear ye the Song of the Terrible Three And the fight that they fought by the edge of the sea. Down from the mountains, the rocks and the crags, Swarming like wasps, came the Bag-jagderags. Surrounding our village, our walls they broke down. Oh, sad was the plight of our men and our town!

Long Arrow had not come with us for he was as yet too weak from his wound. But the Doctor always clever at languages was already getting familiar with the Indian tongue. Besides, among the half-dozen Popsipetels who accompanied us to paddle the canoes, was one boy to whom we had taught a little English. He and the Doctor between them managed to make themselves understood to the Bag-jagderags.

Only stay with us, that your all-powerful wisdom may lead our Council and our people in prosperity and peace." The Doctor held up his hand for silence. "No man," said he, "would wish to be the guest of the Bag-jagderags till they had proved by their deeds that they are an honest race. Be true to the terms of the Peace and from yourselves shall come good government and prosperity Farewell!"

I know that if it had not been for the Terrible Three as they came afterwards to be fondly called in Popsipetel history Long Arrow, Bumpo and the Doctor, the war would have been soon over and the whole island would have belonged to the worthless Bag-jagderags.

The Bag-jagderags didn't wait to be bitten a second time, but fled helter-skelter over the mountains from which they had come; whilst Polynesia and her victorious army followed watchfully behind like a great, threatening, black cloud. The Doctor picked up his high hat which had been knocked off in the fight, dusted it carefully and put it on.

And it later got to be the tribal mark of the Bag-jagderags. No really smart young lady of this tribe would be seen walking with a man who did not have scalloped ears for such was a proof that he had been in the Great War. As soon as the village was cleared of the enemy the Doctor turned his attention to the wounded.