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"Gee whiz, Bev! What's let loose?" cried Athol, trying to respond to Apache's nozzling, whinnying demonstrations of delight and reach his sister's extended hands at the same time, while Archie did his record-breaking sprint across the gridiron, and the whole field came boiling toward them. "I have. Don't you see I've been run away with?

"Some people told me yesterday. They look for her everywhere!" Rhoda's eyes lighted joyfully. "Who? Where?" she cried. Kut-le spoke concisely: "You know nothing!" he said. The Mexican looked into the Apache's eyes and shivered slightly. "Nothing, of course, Señor," he replied. But Rhoda was not daunted. "Who were they?" she repeated. "What did they say? Where did they go?"

A slight pressure of her knee upon Apache's side was sufficient. He was off like a comet, and to all intents and purposes entirely beyond his rider's control. Sally and Aileen laughed outright. Petty stopped her giggle to scream: "Oh, she's being run away with!"

Even the enemy scalps which an Apache Indian might hang from his belt were something magical to add to the Apache's power. As Gilbert Murray says, "you devoured the holy animal to get its mana, its swiftness, its strength, its great endurance, just as the savage now will eat his enemy's brain or heart or hands to get some particular quality residing there."

The two thoroughbreds plunged forward with snorts of indignant protest, answered by Apache's very plebian squeal of rage as he shook his bony little head and struck into a gait such as Beverly had never dreamed a horse could strike.

As a matter of fact, Beverly gave one glance at the fly-away figure, then clasping both arms around Apache's neck, buried her face in his mane and to all intents and purposes collapsed into a paroxysm of tears, to the entire dismay of Mr. Cushman, and the skeptical "sizing up" of the situation by Mr. Ford, more lately from the campus.

There was no need of the Apache's prodding knife point to start him up the ladder. Though he did not relish having to act as a living shield for the attackers, he was more than willing to go first. Unluckily the tightness of his bonds had so bruised the ligaments of his wrists and ankles and left his limbs so numb that he had to climb with painful slowness.

As soon as Mike came up he said: "Sure, Captain, and wasn't I after tellin's ye's that it was no bloody spalpeen of an Apache's thrack that I be follerin' lasht avenin'?"

But the young Apache seemed in no wise hurried or excited. "Our old friends seem to want something!" he commented with his boyish grin. "What are you going to do now?" asked Rhoda, with calm equal to the Apache's. "I can't carry you up this wall," suggested Kut-le. "Very well!" returned Rhoda pleasantly. "I am quite willing that you should leave me here." Kut-le's eyes glittered.

However that may have been, in the question of brute courage Dupont had yet to prove lacking. His every instinct was an Apache's: left to himself he would strike always from behind, and run like a cur to cover. But cornered, or exasperated by opposition to his vast powers something which he seemed quite unable to understand he could fight like a maniac.