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The heroic moment of the siege of Ladysmith was that which witnessed the repulse of the great attack. The epic should have ended at that dramatic instant. But instead of doing so the story falls back to an anticlimax of crowded hospitals, slaughtered horses, and sporadic shell fire.

And closing the door, Kenny again wiped his forehead, remembering sadly that he had planned to wind his son around his finger and induce him to return. It had been the trend of all his preparation and resolve. And now what? He had choked back his inclination and begged Brian, with impassioned sincerity, to do precisely what would please him most. He wondered why the anticlimax brought him peace.

And added an anticlimax by passing a plate of sliced jelly roll through the stair rail to the clamoring children. Sara Lee stood there for a moment after he had gone. He was right, or at least he had been within his rights. She had never even heard of the new doctrine of liberty for women. There was nothing in her training to teach her revolt.

The author felt no doubt as to Letty's destiny, and he wanted to leave his audience in no doubt. From Iris's fate we were only too willing to avert our eyes; but it would have been a sensible discomfort to us to be left in the dark about Letty's. This, then, I regard as a typical instance of justified anticlimax.

This "epilogue" so the author calls it has been denounced as a concession to popular sentimentality, and an unpardonable anticlimax. An anticlimax it is, beyond all doubt; but it does not follow that it is an artistic blemish. Nothing would have been easier than not to write it to make the play end with Letty's awakening from her dream, and her flight from Letchmere's rooms.

Voices had come to him as they had come to the girl at Domrémy, and they had told him that through Zora Middlemist, and no other, was his life's mission to be accomplished. To her it was anticlimax. Reaction forced a laugh against her will. She leaned back among the sofa cushions. "Is that all?" she said, and Sypher did not catch the significance of the words.

"Him that God sends He makes sufficient," said Mrs Fleming, cheerfully. "Put your trust in Him, and take good care of yourself, and above all, I would have you to beware of Mrs Jacob Holt's Yankee pies and cakes and hot bread, for they would be just the ruination of you, health and temper, and all. But you needna say I told you." Elizabeth and Clifton laughed heartily at the anticlimax.

After the exciting campaign of 1800, when the public was assured that the forces of Darkness and Light were locked in deadly combat for the soul of the nation, this tame programme seemed like an anticlimax. But those who knew Thomas Jefferson learned to discount the vagaries to which he gave expression in conversation.

And the beauty and force of such a setting deepened the pathos and intensified the cruelty of the alternately supplicating and ferocious lines. There was, I regret to say, an absurd anticlimax to that noble scene.

When he had dismissed the traveler he laughed grimly. "A nuisance!" The word was a grotesque anticlimax. He sat for a long while with his hands blinding his eyes, trying to realize what the abandonment of the scheme meant to him. He was a man who faced his responsibilities squarely.