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The King appealed to his beloved Irish chiefs, O'Donnells, O'Flyns, O'Hanlens, MacMahons, M'Carthys, Kellys, O'Reillys, and O'Briens, and to Hiberniæ Magnates, Anglico genere ortos, Butlers, Blounts, De Lacys, Powers, and Russels. John of Argyll was made admiral of the western fleet, and was asked to conciliate the Islesmen, who, under Angus Og, were rallying to Bruce.

Lonely and sorrowful as I now sit, digesting with many a throe the iron thews of a British beef-steak more anglico immeasurably tough I see the grateful apparitions of Escallopes de Saumon and Laitances de Carps rise in a gentle vapour before my eyes! breathing a sweet and pleasant odour, and contrasting the dream-like delicacies of their hue and aspect, with the dire and dure realities which now weigh so heavily on the region below my heart!

It would have edified him, who prides himself on his deep knowledge of human nature, or who seizes with avidity on the minuter traits of a nation, to note with what attention the English valet, would listen to a Milanese arietta; whose love notes, delivered by the unmusical Pietro, were about as effectively pathetic as the croak of the bull frog in a marsh, or screech of owl sentimentalising in ivied ruin; and to mark with what gravity, the Italian driver would beat his hand against the table; in tune to "Ben Baxter," or "The British Grenadiers," roared out more Anglico.

When escorting some French prisoners near Dover, the gun which was in his carriage accidentally exploded and wounded him fatally. Lady Louisa Leveson-Gower, married to Sir Archibald Macdonald in 1777. She died 1827. I have been at Isleworth. I found Car very well, and at her painting, with the Italico Anglico artiste of Mr. Campbell's, and Mr. Lewis. Mr.

Very early up, and, hearing that the Duke of York, our Lord High admiral, would go on board to-day, Mr. Pickering and I took waggon for Scheveling. His epitaph, is concluded thus: "Tandem Bello Anglico tantum non victor, certe invictus, vivere et vincere desiit." There is a sea-fight cut in marble, with the smoake, the best expressed that ever I saw in my life.

I notice, by the way, that she calls him "Dooncan" and sometimes "Cousin Doonk," which strikes me as being over-intimate, seeing he's really her second cousin. It seems suggestive of some hidden joke between them. And Duncan addresses her quite openly as "Allie." This same Allie has brought a lady's maid with her whom she addresses, more Anglico, simply by her surname of "Struthers."

Wiat at Boxley Abbey in Kent, in the chancel of which parish church he is buried, though without a monument, only as Wood says with the following, which stands in the common register belonging to this church. Georgius Sandys, Poetarum Anglorum sui sæculi Princeps, sepultus suit Martiistilo Anglico. Anno Pom. 1643.

He adds, that she had great thirst, had taken many medicines, and submitted to various rules of life, and changes of climate, but still continued to have these immoderate sweats. Pharmac. ration. de sudore anglico. Dr. Willis has also observed, that the sudor anglicanus which appeared in England, in 1483, and continued till 1551, was in some respects similar to the diabetes; and as Dr.

Lonely and sorrowful as I now sit, digesting with many a throe the iron thews of a British beef-steak more anglico immeasurably tough I see the grateful apparitions of Escallopes de Saumon and Laitances de Carps rise in a gentle vapour before my eyes! breathing a sweet and pleasant odour, and contrasting the dream-like delicacies of their hue and aspect, with the dire and dure realities which now weigh so heavily on the region below my heart!