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During the summer of the fifteenth year of his reign, whilst Rameses II. was celebrating a festival of Amen-Ra in the Temple of Luxor, one came to him and reported that an envoy had arrived from the Prince of Bekhten, bearing with him many gifts for the Royal Wife Ra-neferu.

A column found in a house at Cairo, the capital of which is formed in the shape of a lotus flower , deserves notice; also , the basalt statue of a god, conjectured to be Amen-ra, holding a small figure of a monarch of the 28th dynasty.

Dark and solemn was the innermost shrine of the vast temple, the "House of Amen in the Northern Apt," which we call Karnak, the very holy of holies where, fashioned of stone, and with the feathered crown upon his head, stood the statue of Amen-ra, father of the gods.

'Loosen these bonds! cried Rekh-mara in fury, 'before I blast you with the seven secret curses of Amen-Ra! 'We shouldn't be likely to loose them AFTER, Robert retorted. 'Oh, don't quarrel! said Anthea desperately. 'Look here, he has just as much right to the thing as we have. This, she took up the Amulet that had swallowed the other one, 'this has got his in it as well as being ours.

And I said unto him, "The matter concerning which I have come is wood for the great and holy Boat of Amen-Rā, the King of the Gods. That was what I said unto him. Give me a gift for my work for the boat, and then I also will work for it.

Art thou afraid to look on the spirit of her who bore thee, thou that didst dare to summon the Father of the gods to do thy bidding?" "I am afraid," answered Tua, shaking in all her limbs. "And thou, Asti the Magician, art thou afraid also, who but now wast bold enough to cry to Amen-Ra 'Come from thy high heaven and make answer'?" "It is even so, O Queen Ahura," murmured Asti.

The text reads: On the eighteenth day of the third month of the season of the Inundation, of the fifth year, Unu-Amen, the senior priest of the Hait chamber of the house of Amen, the Lord of the thrones of the Two Lands, set out on his journey to bring back wood for the great and holy Boat of Amen-Rā, the King of the Gods, which is called "User-hat," and floateth on the canal of Amen.

At the sight of her, clad in the mail which she still wore, a murmur rose from them like the murmur of the sea, followed by a deep silence since they dared not declare the pity which moved them all. In the midst of this silence, whilst the sun sank behind the Pyramids of the ancient kings, Neter-Tua lifted up her glorious voice and sang the evening hymn to Amen-Ra.

"This female," said Gilbert, pointing to the mummy of the Priestess of Amen-Ra, "is supposed to bring frightful ill-luck to you if you squint at her. There was a fellow at Cambridge who was cracked about her ... used to come here in vac. and make love to her ... sit here for hours spooning with a corpse. I often wanted to smack his face for him!" "Pose, I expect!" Henry replied.

Passing the fragment, in grey granite, of a monarch of the 18th dynasty , the visitor may pause before another object taken from the French . It is the statue, from Karnak, of a high priest of Amen-ra, seated, holding an ear of corn, and, like his companions in stone, resting his arms upon his knees.