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The journey back to the Altenfjord was continued all day with but one or two interruptions for rest and refreshment.

She could scarcely articulate these last words she sank forward, fainting, on Ulrika's breast, and that devout disciple of Luther, forgetting all her former dread of the "white witch of the Altenfjord" only remembered that she held in her arms a helpless woman with all the sorrows and pangs of womanhood thick upon her, and in this act of warm heart-expansion and timely tenderness, it may be that she cleansed her soiled soul in the sight of the God she worshipped, and won a look of pardon from the ever-watchful eyes of Christ.

The little maid entered hurriedly at that moment, she came to ask with quivering lips, whether she might accompany Sir Philip in his intended journey to Norway. "For if you do not find the Froeken at Hull, you will want to reach the Altenfjord," said Britta, folding hands resolutely in front of her apron, "and you will not get on without me.

"I'll keep it till you come back. You leave for Norway to-night, then?" "Yes. If I can. But it's the winter season and there'll be all manner of difficulties. I'm afraid it's no easy matter to reach the Altenfjord at this time of year." "Why not use your yacht, and be independent of obstacles?" suggested Lovelace. "She's under repairs, worse luck!" sighed Philip despondingly.

"Why, there must be snow and darkness " "Snow and darkness at the Altenfjord!" suddenly cried Britta, catching at his words. "That's exactly what she said to me the other evening! Oh dear! I never thought of it I never remembered it was the dark season!" She clasped her hands in dismay. "There is no sun at the Altenfjord now it is like night and the cold is bitter.

And as for burning my father's house, surely you would not do so wicked and foolish a thing! but still, you must do as you choose, for it is not possible that we shall leave the Altenfjord to please you." Here Ulrika started forward angrily. "You defy us!" she cried. "You will not go?" And in her excitement she seized Thelma's arm roughly.

Throughout the long and fatiguing journey she had maintained unflinching energy and perseverance, undaunted by storm, sleet, and darkness, she had driven steadily over long miles of trackless snow her instinct had guided her by the shortest and quickest routes she seemed to know every station and village on the way, she always managed to obtain relays of reindeer just when they were needed, in short, Errington would hardly have been able to reach the Altenfjord without her.

"Oh, it will break my heart! Oh, the Altenfjord!" And she gave way to a passion of weeping. "Thelma! Thelma!" and poor Lorimer, rising from the organ, stood gazing at her in piteous dismay, every nerve in his body wrung to anguish by the sound of her sobbing.

In her then condition, it seemed to her that only one course lay open for her to follow, and that was to go quietly home, home to the Altenfjord. No one would be to blame for her departure but herself, she thought, and Philip would be free. Thus she reasoned, if, indeed, she reasoned at all.

It was no use asking him any questions he was not the man to gratify impertinent curiosity. By-and-by a rumor got about in the village Lovisa had gained her point in one particular, the Gueldmars were going away going to leave the Altenfjord!