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If a merchant asks you if you are selling him goods as cheaply as you sell them to other people, and you tell him "Yes" and you are really not doing so, he will know that you are telling him a lie, and you will lose his confidence and you will lose his business. The one thing to do then, is to treat everybody alike to sell them all at the same price.

The hangings should be in plain colors, taken from the predominating colors in the wall covering; or if the walls are the same as the living room, the hangings should be chosen from the predominating color in the living room. This will bring the rooms into perfect harmony, without having them just alike. Suggested Color Scheme for Dining Room

But when, in 1900, the Boxer rising forced all the powers into a common camp, they awoke to full appreciation of a principle which had been growing current for the past two or three years, namely, that concerted action on the lines of maintaining China's integrity and securing to all alike equality of opportunity and a similarly open door, was the only feasible method of preventing the partition of the Chinese empire and averting a clash of rival interests which might have disastrous results.

Guests at the post watched the bright picture with the keen interest of a pageant on the stage; tourists came over by stage from Meander in the summer months by the score to be present; the resident officers, and their wives and families such as had them found in it an ever-recurring source of interest and relief from the tedium of days all alike.

Then he said he could make two hundred and fifty feet answer; but to do it right, and make the best job in town of it, and attract the admiration of the just and the unjust alike, and compel all parties to say they never saw a more symmetrical and hypothetical display of lightning-rods since they were born, he supposed he really couldn't get along without four hundred, though he was not vindictive, and trusted he was willing to try.

"Why, then, if I were the innocent, I would do nothing at all sooner than I would act like the guilty. I would not persecute " "I said prosecute," cried the dean in anger. "Leave the room; you have no comprehension." "Oh, yes, now I understand the difference of the two words; but they sound so much alike, I did not at first observe the distinction.

This extended General Pope's line seventeen miles along the river. The lowest battery commanded the lowest solid ground on the Tennessee shore all below was swamp. This battery, if maintained, cut off the enemy alike from retreat, and from reinforcements and supplies.

Such, in the briefest possible outline, is the record of this eventful period, eventful alike for Cuba and for the United States. During this struggle, the people of the United States became deeply interested in the affairs of the island, and the Administration in Washington became gravely concerned by them.

In fact, if you were on foot and wanted to get anywhere quickly it was always safe to rely on a military car or ambulance coming along, and then simply wave frantically and ask for a lift. Very much a case of share and share alike. The regiments were either French or Belgian, for no British were in that sector at this time.

That beautiful window only mirrors our memories of the individual." And then Doctor Hale talked, just talked for an hour about Starr King. Doctor Hale has given that same talk or sermon every year for thirty years: I have heard it three times, but never exactly twice alike. I have tried to get a printed copy of the address, but have so far failed.