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After wandering about in the woods for hours, he had at last found this spot a fitting place to accomplish his purpose. He had waited with feverish expectancy the message from Egon, and it had come. No letter, only three lines with the signature, "Egon, Prince Adelsberg," but these three lines, for him who received them, meant the end of all things. Thrust out forever and despised!

Suitable quarters had to be found in Waldhofen, and that little town was in a state of pleasurable excitement in consequence. Prince Adelsberg, besides being the owner of the adjoining estate and castle, was also connected in some way with nearly all the families forming the ducal suite, and could not of course neglect them.

Along this road, two men were trotting their horses; the one in gray jacket and hunting cap was the head forester, Herr von Schönau, the other in a light summer riding suit, which set off his slender figure to advantage, was Prince Adelsberg. They had met accidentally, and soon discovered that they were bound for the same place. "I did not dream of meeting your Highness here," said Schönau.

Another species of congo snake is found with three toes, hence the name of three-toed congo snake is given to it. Related to the curious eyeless proteus, found in the celebrated cavern of Adelsberg, is an animal very much larger, called the necturus, inhabiting the waters of the Mississippi, and several southern lakes.

A cave like that of Adelsberg for all limestone caves are, doubtless, essentially similar in character ought by all means to be seen if it comes in one's way, because it leaves impressions upon the mind unlike those derived from any other object. Nature stamps upon most of her operations a certain character of gravity and majesty.

He came forward immediately, in order that he might share his friend's acquaintance, so Hartmut was constrained to introduce Prince Adelsberg to the Baroness von Wallmoden; he made a passing allusion to the meeting in the wood, for the young wife was wrapped in her mantle of icy indifference.

"Ah, then we'll know where to find Prince Adelsberg to-day." Egon, who had been leaning back comfortably, sat erect now, and said, as he gave his friend a searching look: "Not so spitefully, I beg of you.

A similar example of animal life in the absence of light is to be found in the fauna of caves and grottoes. This was first made known to the world by Austrian and American naturalists. The well known Adelsberg grotto in Krain, and the gigantic Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, furnished much interesting material for a detailed study of the biological conditions of subterraneous animal life.

He had been everywhere but in the neighborhood of his deceived aunt, until at last, losing all patience, she ordered a gentleman of the Court to bring Prince Adelsberg to her at once. This order was imperative, and Egon did not dare disobey it, but he took the precaution of having his "lightning rod" with him to get the first shock.

"It is very pleasant, at least for a young wife, to feel that her husband is not jealous. Ah, here comes Frau von Wallmoden herself, with her knight by her side. My dear baroness, we were just speaking of you." Adelheid von Wallmoden, who with Prince Adelsberg, had just entered the room, made a courtesy to the princess.