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No. 5, p. 3. Thirty-ninth Cong., First Sess. Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward, Nov. 30, 1865, Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 5, Thirty-ninth Cong., First Sess. Bigelow, "Retrospections of an Active Life," Vol. IV, p. 42; Bancroft, "Life of Seward," Vol. II, p. 435. Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 6, p. 98, Thirty-ninth Cong., First Sess. House Ex. Doc. No. 93, Thirty-ninth Cong., First Sess. Dipl.

To use the words of Max Mueller: 'They have been the prominent actors in the great drama of history, and have carried to their fullest growth all the elements of active life with which our nature is endowed. They have perfected society and morals, and we learn from their literature and works of art the elements of science, the laws of art, and the principles of philosophy.

They were calculated only for parades, but not for active warfare. The artillery was well mounted, but its generals were too old and disabled for field service; the youngest of them were more than seventy years of age. The clothing of the army was of the most wretched description; it was made of the coarsest and worst cloth, and, moreover, entirely insufficient.

If I did not despise them, I would be sorry for them. Now I have sometimes a very cheering thought. On the fifth of March, 1921, I am going to begin to be an historian again instead of an active public man, and I am going to have the privilege of writing about these gentlemen without any restraints of propriety.

"I am afraid I am not altogether a harbinger of good; and yet, too, I am to a certain extent a messenger of peace. I have been thinking a great deal, Mr. Townsend," said Mrs. Penniman. "You think too much." "I suppose I do; but I can't help it, my mind is so terribly active. When I give myself, I give myself. I pay the penalty in my headaches, my famous headaches a perfect circlet of pain!

Hood had learned to value the active young officer who had taken a forward part in the guerilla enterprises of the fleet. "Captain Saumarez," he said, "you know not how much I wish to serve you. Captain Stanhope shall go home, as he desires, and you shall have command of the Russell."

Opposed in many of their most essential conditions to the capable men who are of primary importance in the social body, is the great and growing variety of non-productive but active men who are engaged in more or less necessary operations of organization, promotion, advertisement, and trade.

He was amazingly light and vigorous on his feet as he rose and hurried after Lanstron with the quick, short steps of active adiposity. "She may have seen or heard something. Ask ask what is the spirit of the staff, of the soldiers who have fought? What is the truth about their losses? What " He broke off at the door of Lanstron's bedroom.

It is not light alone which is the agent in vision, but light coupled with the active properties of the eye and brain, and with those of the visible object.

The matter was now in good shape for what politicians call "a deal," and negotiations between members of Congress and the executive were active.