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A hundred girls in the ten thousand have more talent for music than for most other things, and if they are well educated, they may perhaps make a good living as teachers, church singers, organists, or accompanists. This is not what they hoped, but they do the work that belongs to them, and on the whole may be counted successful.

After this comes the conversation in the drawing-room, and many naïve methods of raising interesting discussions are suggested. Less highly gifted than the Troubadours were the Jongleurs, who composed their retinue. These musical jacks-of-all-trades began as accompanists, singing the songs of their master at the castles he visited.

But when I ran over with him the songs I meant to sing I found he played the piano very well indeed, and had a knack for accompanying, too. There are good pianists, soloists, who are not good accompanists; it takes more than just the ability to play the piano to work with a singer, and especially with a singer like me. It is no straight ahead singing I do always, as you ken, perhaps.

It is an absurd error to suppose that fine soloists cannot succeed in ensemble work, or as accompanists. Those who fail have been poorly grounded in their art. They may give dazzling performances of works bristling with technical difficulties, yet make a sad failure of some slow, tender movement that calls for musicianly understanding and delicate treatment.

Even a small rehearsal was brought about in the somewhat restricted quarters of the Canti apartment, and great was May's rejoicing, to find how many of her favourite songs were well known to the quartette of accompanists.

The singer that returned was largely the work of Miletus Poppas. Cressida had at least known what she needed, hunted for it, found it, and held fast to it. After experimenting with a score of teachers and accompanists, she settled down to work her problem out with Poppas. Other coaches came and went she was always trying new ones but Poppas survived them all.

"Who he is?" she repeated. "Why why what do you mean?" The accompanists queer green eyes narrowed between their heavy lids. "Ask him that's all," she replied shortly. She drew her furs around her shoulders preparatory to departure, but Diana stepped in front of her, laying a detaining hand on her arm. "What do you mean?" she demanded hotly.

I chose one of the loveliest of the six new quartets of Beethoven, with which I had often charmed my hearers in Brunswick. But after a few bars I already noticed that my accompanists knew not the music and were quite incapable of playing it. This disturbed me, and my dismay increased when I observed that the assembled company paid little attention to my playing.

Scherzo, Adagio, and Finale of the Sonata in G minor, for piano and violoncello, composed by M. Chopin, and performed by the author and M. Franchomme. Air nouveau from Robert le Diable, composed by M. Meyerbeer, sung by M. Roger. Preludes, | | Mazurkas, | composed and performed by M. Chopin. | Valse, | Accompanists: MM. Aulary and de Garaude.

In performing their works, they did not, like their western brethren, have recourse to hired accompanists, or Jongleurs, but supported the vocal part by playing on a small viol. The Jongleurs were essentially a French institution, and no class of musicians similar to them existed in Germany.