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The family might go on, but the two members of it must endure the pain of renunciation. Which was the harder to bear, he wondered his part of hopeless memory and regret, or John's of forced denial and abstinence? In all the world, no situation could be more strange or more cruel. He had felt deeply about it before he had seen Amaryllis. He thought of the myth of Eros and Psyche.

Howitt mentions, among moral lessons divinely sanctioned, respect for old age, abstinence from lawless love, and avoidance of the sins so popular, poetic, and sanctioned by the example of Gods, in classical Greece.

Where differences of opinion occur, as they most certainly will, as to the observance of days or abstinence from meats whether to stand, or sit, or kneel, in prayer whether to stand while listening to some pages of the inspired volume, and to sit while others are publicly read whether to call Jude a saint, and refuse the title to Isaiah are questions which should bring into active exercise all the graces of Christian charity; and, in obedience to the apostolic injunction, they must agree to differ.

Lincoln was campaigning in Ohio, and staying in Cincinnati at the Burnett House, it was the meeting-place of the party of which he was the looming light. This raised a hot correspondence between them and the guest, ticklish about his lifelong abstinence principles. Mr. Halstead said that the episode rankled in the blunderers after they had elected their pride President.

He goes three times a year to this temple, praying before daybreak, and having spent the previous night in the Grand Hall of Abstinence close by. Between this and the closed Altar of Heaven, there is the small Temple of Prayer, where the ancestral tablets are kept, capped by one of the most remarkable roofs in Peking.

But, before dealing with these, Paul interposes another thought in verse 8, to the effect that partaking of or abstinence from any kind of food will not, in itself, either help or hinder the religious life.

The burning ardour of my love was increased by the abstinence to which I condemned myself, although Lucie did everything in her power to make me break through my determination. She could not fully enjoy the sweetness of the forbidden fruit unless I plucked it without reserve, and the effect produced by our constantly lying in each other's arms was too strong for a young girl to resist.

Never let any one persuade you, go where you may, to forsake your pledged total abstinence. Never care for a laugh or a frown, they can do you no harm while God is on your side. Oh, remember what an insidious, what a crafty tempter the drink is! I have a short story to tell you that will illustrate this.

No nun in a convent under vows of abstinence ever practiced more rigorous self-denial than she did in the restraints and government of intellectual tastes and desires. Her son was dear to her as the fulfillment and expression of her unsatisfied craving for knowledge, the possessor of those fair fields of thought which duty forbade her to explore.

"Thanks be to God, no," said Owen: "it's neither the one nor the other. So long as we keep a fair name, an' a clear conscience, we can't ever say that our case is hard." After some further conversation, a comfortable breakfast was prepared for them, of which they partook with an appetite sharpened by their long abstinence from food.