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"Kase it be Chrismus Eve, Tobe," he said, gravely. The ranger stared for a moment; then came forward and gave the fodder to the mare, pausing now and then and looking with oblique distrust down upon Luke Todd as he smoked his pipe. "I want ter tell ye, Tobe, ez some o' the mounting boys air a-sarchin fur ye outside." "Who air they?" asked the ranger, calmly.

The saplin' was no sooner bent than secured to the ground by a notched peg and a noose, and a slip-knot was suspended from the tree, jist over the track that led from the pathway to the house. 'Why, my Gor, massa, that's a 'Hold your mug, you old nigger, says I, 'or I'll send your tongue a-sarchin' arter your teeth; keep quiet, and follow me in presently.

"Yerby, I b'lieve ye said yer name war, an' so did Peter Green," said Tarbetts, still kneeling by the open furnace door, his pale cheek reddening in the glow of the fire. Thus reminded of the testimony of his acquaintance, Yerby did not venture to repudiate his cognomen. "An' what did ye kem hyar fur?" blustered the miller. "A-sarchin' fur the boy?"

He interpreted her expression as doubt, denial. "It's gospel sure," he cried. "Fur this very evenin' I met a gang o' men an' the sheriff's deputy down yander by the sulphur spring 'bout sundown, an' he 'lowed ez they war a-sarchin' fur a criminal ez war skulkin' round hyarabout lately ez they wanted a man fur hevin' c'mitted murder."

Then, with a strained tone of appeal in his voice, for a future with Uncle Nehe-miah had seemed very terrible to him, "So ye warn't a-sarchin' hyar fur me, war ye, Uncle Nehemiah?" Nehemiah was at a loss. There is a peculiar glutinous quality in the resolve of a certain type of character which is not allied to steadfastness of purpose, nor has it the enlightened persistence of obstinacy.

Mainwaring could not reply, with Richelieu, "You ought to know"; nor did he dare explain what he thought it meant, and how he knew it. Louise, however, innocently solved the difficulty. "There's a country song I've heard Minty sing," she said. "It runs Come, Philander, let us be a-marchin', Every one for his true love a-sarchin' Choose your true love now or never. . . .