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Nouveau Voyage vers le Septentrion. Amsterdam, 1708. 12mo. The customs, religion, character, domestic life, &c. of the Norwegians and Laplanders are here sketched in an interesting and pleasant manner. Lettres sur le Danemark. Par Mallet. Genève, 1767. 2 vols. 8vo.

The most ancient descriptions of these countries are to be found in the collections of M. Thevenot, and Ramusio, already noticed. Lobos's Voyage to Abyssinia, with fifteen Dissertations relating to Abyssinia. By Le Grand. 8vo. 1789.

Lady Scott had not been quite four months dead, and the entry of the preceding day shows how extremely ill-timed was this communication from a gentleman with whom Sir Walter had never had any intimacy. This was not the only proposition of the kind that reached him during his widowhood. A coil of rope. See Life, vol. x. 95, and The Haigs of Bemersyde, 8vo, Edin. 1881, edited by J. Russell. Mr.

His last words were whispered in the ear of that good elder sister, our true-hearted, loving Emilie. "Bless you, dear Emilie, God will bless you, for 'Blessed are the peacemakers." Published by Arthur Hall, Virtue & Co. Third Edition, in post 8vo. with numerous illustrations, price 8s. bound in cloth, or 17s. morocco antique,

Par Scipion Brieslack. Paris, 1800. 2 vols. 8vo. Facts and conjectures on the formation of the Campagna, and on the soil of the territory and neighbourhood of Rome; on the extinct craters betwixt Naples and Canna, and on that of Vesuvius, render this work instructive and interesting to the geologist, while the picture of the Lazaroni must render this portion of his work attractive to the general reader.

By Lord Mulgrave, in 1773. 4to. An Account of the Arctic Regions. By W. Scoresby, 1820. 2 vols. 8vo. This, together with a voyage to Greenland, published subsequently by the same author, is full of most valuable information on the meteorology and natural history of this part of the World, besides containing interesting particulars on the Whale Fishery.

also George Selwyn and his Contemporaries, 4 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1843-4. Alexander, tenth Earl of Home, and his wife, Lady Elizabeth, daughter of Henry, third Duke of Buccleuch. Charles, second son of Archibald Lord Douglas. James Thomas, Viscount Stopford, afterwards fourth Earl of Courtown, and his wife, Lady Charlotte, sister of the then Duke of Buccleuch, at that time still in his minority.

This is a valuable work respecting the mineralogy and geology, and especially the Giant's Causeway. Campbell's Philosophical Survey of the South of Ireland, 1777. 8vo. Arthur Young's Tour in Ireland, 1776-79. 2 vols. 8vo. An admirable picture of the agriculture and general state of Ireland at this period. Cooper's Letters on the Irish Nation, 1800. 8vo.

These travels in Germany and Italy contain observations on a subject little attended to by travellers; but one which they might much benefit: we mean domestic economy, or the different modes, plans, &c. pursued by different nations in domestic life, as regards food, houses, clothing, &c. Fred. Nicholai, Beschriebung einer Reise durch Deutschland und de Schweitz, 1781. Berlin, 1783. 12 vols. 8vo.

Crown 8vo. Cloth. 2s. 6d. Edited by H.F. FOX, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Brasenose College, Oxford. Messrs. Methuen propose to issue a New Series of Translations from the Greek and Latin Classics. They have enlisted the services of some of the best Oxford and Cambridge Scholars, and it is their intention that the Series shall be distinguished by literary excellence as well as by scholarly accuracy.