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To defray these expenditures there was to the credit of the Department on the 1st July, 1856, the sum of $789,599; the gross revenue of the year, including the annual allowances for the transportation of free mail matter, produced $8,053,951, and the remainder was supplied by the appropriation from the Treasury of $2,250,000 granted by the act of Congress approved August 18, 1856, and by the appropriation of $666,883 made by the act of March 3, 1857, leaving $252,763 to be carried to the credit of the Department in the accounts of the current year.

We regard the condensation of important and indeed almost necessary information as of great value to our people. Philadelphia: Frederick Leypoldt, publisher. New York: for sale by F. W. Christern, 763 Broadway. An exquisite volume, containing illuminated pictures of the Birds of the Legends. Very beautiful are the legends, tenderly and simply told in the golden words of a poet.

A prohibition of balconies leaning over the public streets, and of verandas projecting into them, is also mentioned in two or three writers of the fourth century and is said to go back to a much earlier date, though its antiquity was probably exaggerated. Plato, Laws 763 c, 779 c, &c.; Aristotle, Ath. Pol. 50; Arist., Oec. ii. 5, p. 134; Xenophon, Ath. Pol. iii. 4; Schol. to Aeschines, iii. 24.

Every one of his works bears the stamp of a great genius. N deg. 763. Jerome. This picture, the master-piece of DOMENICHICO, comes from the great altar of the church of San Geronimo della Carita, at Rome. It will appear incredible that for a work of such importance, which cost him so much time, study, and labour, he received no more than the sum of about L10 sterling. N deg. 769. Cecilia.

"Ten generations," that was in round numbers 700 years a period nearly extending to the birth of Christ, since the Christians reckoned dates from 763 A.D., the end of the mythological era, to which the drama belonged. Julian perceived that he had "carried wood to the fire," and helped the Christians without intending to do so.

The bill read as follows: No. 1 parti-color and friends, To No. 82,763 grape-color. Dr. To use of apartments, with meals and lights, as per agreement, p.p. 300 per diem one day, p.p. 300 By cash advanced, 50 Balance due, p.p. 250 "This seems all right," I observed to Noah; but I am, at this moment, as penniless as the good woman herself.

In 1904 matches to the value of 9,763,860 yen, or, roughly, one million sterling, were exported, and, strange to relate, European clothing to the value of 287,464 yen.

The aggregate obligations bearing interest in coin had risen to $2,107,938,000; while the three per cent certificates and the Navy pension-fund, which alone carried interest in currency, amounted to $61,195,000. The debt bearing no interest, composed of old demand-notes, legal-tenders, fractional currency, and certificates for gold deposited, had fallen to $431,861,763.

Tucker's aneroid read more than a thousand feet higher, 22,550 feet, but even this fell short of Raimondi's estimate of 22,775 feet, and considerably below Bandelier's "23,000 feet." This was a keen disappointment, for we had hoped that the aneroids would at least show a margin over the altitude of Mt. Aconcagua, 22,763 feet. This discovery served to dampen our spirits still further.

The following statistics from the United States census of 1903 may be of interest: New York leads in the production of fruit, exclusive of subtropical fruits. Twelve and one-tenth per cent of the fruit production of the United States is in New York. Orchard fruit of 1903 was valued at $10,542,272 Grapes of 1903 were valued at 2,763,711 Small fruits of 1903 were valued at 2,538,363