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Caring little, no doubt, for the interests of religion, he entered into negotiations with Youssouf- ben-Abdel-Rhaman, governor of Narbonne, and summoned the Mussulmans into Provence. Youssouf lost no time in responding to the summons; and, from 734 to 736, the Arabs conquered and were in military occupation of the left bank of the Rhone from Arles to Lyons.

For the year ending June 30, 1919, the expenditures of public institutions and agencies amounted to $33, 936,205.88. The expenditures of privately supported and endowed institutions for the same year, amount to $58,100,530.98. This makes a total, for public and private charities and corrections of $92,036,736.86.

The broadside of the "Constitution" weighed 736 pounds, that of the "Guerrière" 570. The difference therefore in favor of the American vessel was thirty per cent, and the disparity in numbers of the crews was even greater. It is not possible, therefore, to insist upon any singular credit, in the mere fact that under such odds victory falls to the heavier vessel.

I will not put any of these questions to the Ministers; but with the official accounts before me, I will ask them a few questions applicable to the present moment. I ask them, then, Was it unavoidable to keep up an army at the expense, including the Ordnance, of 26,736,067 pounds? Was it unavoidable that the expense of the Civil List should, in last year, amount to 1,928,000 pounds?

For civil expenses $18,042,386.42 For foreign intercourse 1,307,583.19 For Indians 9,736,747.40 For pensions 61,345,193.95 For the military establishment, including river and harbor improvements, and arsenals 43,570,494.19 For the naval establishment, including vessels, machinery, and improvements at navy-yards 15,032,046.26

THE FINANCES. Our expenditures have been: For salaries of workers, $6,403.00; for rents of mission houses, $2,066.00; for incidental expenses, $1,150.15; total, $9,619.75. Our resources have been: From the parent society, $6,100; balance from previous year, $45.50; offerings made through the treasury of this auxiliary, $2,590.80; total, $8,736.30.

On the 6th of November, the morning report shows 796 men, rank and file, fit for duty. There were always on duty in Chicago about sixty men acting as provost guard; this left 736 men in camp to do guard duty. The sixty men in the city performed service in looking after deserters, guarding property, &c. The depot for supplies is in the city, and is in charge of the depot quartermaster.

It also appears by the report of the Junta of Maranhaõ, of the 17th of October, 1825, that the said Admiral received the further sum of 217,659 dollars at different times, there appearing 108,736 dollars under the title of indemnification for prizes made by the squadron in the port of that city, to be divided as such. This division does not seem to have been made.

Agiluf 591 to 615 originally duke of Turin, met with much opposition from the power of the dukes; but when we come to the time of Rhotari 636 to 652 we find their power already declining, and in the eighth century, as for example under Liutprand 712 to 736 the laws show them reduced to the position of the other judices, but still representing a high aristocracy whose consent was, as we have seen, necessary to all acts of the king.

It excited, however, no small surprise, that the general, while he thus professed to espouse the defence of the parliament, cashiered all the officers introduced by the parliament into his army, and restored all those who had been expelled. The more discerning began to suspect his real intentions; but Hazlerig and his party were too Clar. Whitelock, 686, 689, 691. Price, 736, 743.