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Essex, Robarts, and some of the principal officers escaped in a boat to Plymouth; Balfour with his horse passed the king's outposts in a thick mist, and got safely to the garrisons of his own party. The foot under Skippon were obliged to surrender their arms, artillery, baggage, and ammunition; and being conducted to the parliament's quarters, were dismissed. * Rush. vol. vi. p. 676.

The Roman government did not indeed recognize the Armenian conqueror as king of Cappadocia and Syria; but it did nothing to drive him back, although the war, which under pressure of necessity it began in 676 against the pirates in Cilicia, naturally suggested its interference more especially in Syria.

The nutritive equivalent of Swedish turnips as compared with good meadow hay is 676, taking hay as a standard at 100; that is, it would require 6.76 pounds of turnips to furnish the same nutriment as one pound of good hay; but fed in connection with other food as hay, for example perhaps five pounds of turnips would be about equal to one pound of hay.

Their intentions were, therefore, thoroughly well known, and it was believed that the government had taken every necessary step to repress any attempt to carry those intentions into practice. It was said that of the delegates to the All-Russian Congress of Soviets-numbering 676 as against more than one thousand at the former Congress of peasant Soviets alone a majority were Bolsheviki.

The Dardani on the northern frontier as well as the Thracians in the east had no doubt been humbled by the Romans in the eight years' conflicts from 676 to 683; the most powerful of the Thracian princes, Cotys, the ruler of the old Odrysian kingdom, was thenceforth numbered among the client kings of Rome.

Nevertheless the opposition welcomed him, and the new leader of the democrats succeeded not only in deterring his accusers from prosecuting the attack on him which they had begun, but also in carrying his election to the consulship for 676; in which, we may add, he was helped not only by the treasures exacted in Sicily, but also by the foolish endeavour of Pompeius to show Sulla and the pure Sullans on this occasion what he could do.

And then he began reading again: "'Mark S. S. W. by S. 40, 72, 91, 130, 151, 177, 202, 232, 256, 271' d'ye see, it must be sailing directions '299, 335, 362, 386, 415, 446, 469, 491, 522, 544, 571, 598' what a lot of them there be '626, 652, 676, 695, 724, 851, 876, 905, 940, 967. Peg. S. E. by E. 269 foot. Peg. S. S. W. by S. 427 foot. Peg. Dig to the west of this six foot."

And then he began reading again: "'Mark S.S.W. by S. 40, 72, 91, 130, 151, 177, 202, 232, 256, 271' d'ye see, it must be sailing directions '299, 335, 362, 386, 415, 446, 469, 491, 522, 544, 571, 598' what a lot of them there be '626, 652, 676, 695, 724, 851, 876, 905, 940, 967. Peg. S.E. by E. 269 foot. Peg. S.S.W. by S. 427 foot. Peg. Dig to the west of this six foot."

Rail Road Iron 22,344 " Merchant Iron 11,396 " Boiler, Tank and Sheet Iron 2,676 " Forgings 4,125 " Nuts, Washers, Rests, Nails and Spikes 5,607 " Machinery Castings 18,250 " Wire 865 " Making a total of 76,300 tons. To produce this it is estimated that 225,000 tons of coal and coke were consumed.

It must be not admitted that the Christians, which either goe or come to mariages, leape or daunse, but that chastlye & soberly they sup or dyne, and as it is seemly and conuenient for christians. Likewise in the yeare 676. there was holden & kept the sixt councell of Constantinople, where daunses were forbidden, principally to women as greatly hurtfull.