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Sir John McCaskill was shot through the chest, and killed on the field; the gallant Sir Robert Sale, the brave defender of Jellalabad, received so severe a wound in the leg that he shortly after died from its effects; many other officers and men were killed, making in all 215; and 657 were wounded. The enemy's sharpshooters had climbed into trees, and from thence killed and wounded many officers.

1777 736,234 tons 'outwards. 1778 657,238 " " 1779 590,911 " " 1780 619,462 " " 1781 547,953 " " 1782 552,851 " " 1783 795,669 " " 1784 846,355 " " At first sight it would seem as if there had, indeed, been a shrinkage. We find, however, on further examination that in reality there had been none. The missing tonnage was merely employed elsewhere.

It is true that the lower cults of animals and spirits persist alongside of the higher religious forms, and the various groups often appear to blend with one another, as is generally the case in transitions from one system of thought to another. +657+. Deities with this sort of specialized functions appear in all parts of the world and at various periods of culture.

Sha and nakû, i.e., 'the one over the sacrifice. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, vii., 174, note. IIR. 32, no. 3. 'A spear carrier of Marduk' occurs in contract tablets. Dupsharru. Daianu. E.g., IIIR. 48, no. 6, ll. 26, 27. Shangu = priest; makhu = great. See above, p. 657. Delitzsch, Assyr. Handwörterbuch, p. 149b. See pp. 356 seq.

But one great captain, Pok-sin, saved the situation. Collecting the fugitive troops of Kudara he fell suddenly on Shiragi and drove her back, thereafter appealing for Japanese aid. At the Yamato Court Shiragi was now regarded as a traditional enemy. It had played fast and loose again and again about Mimana, and in the year 657 it had refused safe conduct for a Japanese embassy to the Tang Court.

If everybody does what he thinks right, there will be 657 amendments to every motion, and none of them will be carried or the motion either. The moment, indeed, that we distinctly conceive that the House of Commons is mainly and above all things an elective assembly, we at once perceive that party is of its essence. There never was an election without a party.

Webster, op. cit., 277, says that they were examined "after by His Majesty and the Council." IV, p. 657. Cal. St. P., Dom., 1634-1635, 141. Ibid., 152. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, XII, 2, p. 77. Ibid., p. 80. Baines, Lancaster, ed. of 1868-1870, II, 12. Utley, who was a professed conjurer, was alleged to have bewitched to death one Assheton.