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The dates of some of the most important historical events in this Section are as follow Menes, the first historic king of Egypt....... about 4000 B.C. Accession of Ramses II. to the Egyptian throne...... 1340 B.C. Rise of the Babylonian kingdom................ about 4000 B.C. Reign of Hiram at Tyre, and of Solomon........ about 950 B.C. Assyrian captivity: downfall of Israel............... 722 B.C. Fall of Nineveh...................................... 606 B.C. Babylonian captivity: downfall of Judah.............. 586 B.C. Reign of Cyrus begins................................ 559 B.C. Fall of Lydia: capture of Sardis..................... 546 B.C. Fall of Babylon...................................... 538 B.C. Reign of Darius begins............................... 521 B.C.

Darius Hystaspes, who thus became king in 521, was a good and upright man, in whose reign the Jews ventured to go on with the Temple. When the Samaritans came and stopped them, they wrote to beg that search might be made among the records of the kingdom for Cyrus's decree in their favour, which no one could change, because the laws of the Medes and Persians could not be altered.

Total of fifty-five dividends, an aggregate of, $6,700,000 In eight years these mines had produced and sold of pure silver 10,989,858 ozs. Of pure gold 6,521 ozs. Realizing a gross sum $10,988,800 Total gross expenditures $ 4,092,512 Alfonso felt free to use the facts of the Granite Reports, as his property was supposed to be a continuation of the same lode or metallic vein.

Two of these, 512 and 521, constitute the celebrated double cluster, sometimes called the Sword-hand of Perseus, and also chi Persei. To the smallest telescope this aggregation of stars, ranging in magnitude from six and a half to fourteen, and grouped about two neighboring centers, presents a marvelous appearance.

On the angels who were ignorant of the nature and meaning of adultery, n. 444. On delight, which is the universal of heaven and hell, n. 461. On an adulterer who was taken up into heaven, and there saw things inverted n. 477. On three priests who were accused by adulterers, n. 500. That determined and confirmed adulterers do not acknowledge anything of heaven and the church, n. 521, 522.

From customs $57,402,975.67 $137,597,024.33 From internal revenue 29,662,078.60 90,337,921.40 From sales of public lands 2,932,635.17 5,067,634.83 From tax on circulation and deposits of national banks 1,557,800.88 1,542,199.12 From repayment of interest and sinking fund, Pacific Railway companies 521,059.51 1,478,940.49

The sacred work of ministering to the suffering demands the most thorough instruction in medicine and methods of treatment. In 1890 there were 15,404 students in 116 medical schools in the United States, distributed as follows: Regulars, 13,521; eclectics, 719; homeopathists, 1,164. For the same year there were 4,492 graduates, or 7 in every 100,000 of the population.

They represented, that any delay during dangers and distractions so great and pressing, was not less unsatisfactory and destructive than an absolute denial. They insisted, that it was their duty to see put in execution a measure so necessary for public safety. * Rush. vol. v. p. 519. Rush. vol. v. p. 521. * Rush, vol. v. p. 521.

The circulation per capita has increased about $5 during the time covered by the table referred to. The total coinage of silver dollars was on November 1, 1889, $343,638,001, of which $283,539,521 were in the Treasury vaults and $60,098,480 were in circulation.

Jefferson's Writings, lately published by his grandson, page 521, under the head of a note made April 15, 1806, occurs the following paragraph, after the detail of a conversation held with you about a month previously: "I did not commit these things to writing at the time, but I do now, because, in a suit between him and Cheetham, he has had a deposition of Mr.