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In the evening the Senate came to the Tuileries to announce to the Emperor the result of the plebiscite which approved of the Empire and the matter of inheritance; 3,521,660 citizens having voted for, and 2,579 against.

They show considerable interest in the education of their children, and have two schools in operation, with an attendance of 124 scholars. Shoshones and Bannocks. These Indians, numbering 1,037, the former 516 and the latter 521, occupy a reservation in the south-eastern part of the Territory, near Fort Hall, formerly a military post.

In 1862, we had in a state of production the following estates: 2,712 stock farms, 1,521 sugar plantations, 782 coffee plantations, 6,175 cattle ranches, 18 cocoa plantations, 35 cotton plantations, 22,748, produce farms, 11,737 truck farms, 11,541 tobacco plantations, 1,731 apiaries, 153 country resorts, 243 distilleries, 468 tile works, 504 lime kilns, 63 charcoal furnaces, 54 cassava-bread factories, and 61 tanneries.

The circulation per capita has increased about $5 during the time covered by the table referred to. The total coinage of silver dollars was on November 1, 1889, $343,638,001, of which $283,539,521 were in the Treasury vaults and $60,098,480 were in circulation.

See ante May 7, 1773, and post, April 3, 1779, where he says, 'Sir, you are to a certain degree hurt by knowing that even one man does not believe. Hume, in his Essay Of Parties in General, had written: 'Such is the nature of the human mind, that it always takes hold of every mind that approaches it; and as it is wonderfully fortified and corroborated by an unanimity of sentiments, so is it, shocked and disturbed by any contrariety. 'Carlyle was fond of quoting a sentence of Novalis: "My conviction gains infinitely the moment another soul will believe in it." Saturday Review, No. 1538, p. 521.

But if the book was a forgery, or a political poem like Gray's Bard or Lycophron's Cassandra, and later than Antiochus Epiphanes, it is strange and most improbable that the Roman should have escaped notice. In both cases the omission of the last and most important Empire is inexplicable. Ib. p. 521.

That the ultimate state is such as the successive order is, from which it is formed and exists, is a canon which, from its truth, must be acknowledged in the learned world, 313. ULYSSES, companions of, changed into hogs, 521. UNCHASTITY, difference between, and what is not chaste, 139. Unchastity is entirely opposed to chastity, 139.

They had no reverence for Bel, no belief in the claim of Babylon to confer a title of legitimacy on the sovereign of western Asia. The Babylonian priesthood chafed, the Babylonian people broke into revolt. In October B.C. 521 a pretender appeared who took the name of Nebuchadrezzar II., and reigned for nearly a year.

The amount offered and purchased during November was $18,408,600. The premium paid by the Government on such purchases was $2,263,521 and the net saving in interest was about $2,885,000.

Conversation in the spiritual world may be heard by a distant person as if he were present, 521. Frequent discourse from the memory and from recollection, and not at the same time from thought and intelligence, induces a kind of faith, 415. DISJUNCTION, all, derives its origin from the opposition of spiritual spheres, which emanate from their subjects, 171.