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Coming to hard facts, the latest statistics of M. Keleti give 15,417,327 as the total population of Hungary. Of these 2,470,000 are Wallacks, who since the nationality fever has set in desire to be called Roumains; and if you say Roman at once, they will be still better pleased. They were in old time the overflow of Wallachia, now forming part of the Roumanian Principality.

A.J. Davis & Co. 12mo. pp. 417. $1.25. Seven Little People and their Friends. Illustrated by F.A. Chapman. New York. A.D.F. Randolph. 16mo. pp. 240. 75 cts. The Pirates of the Prairies; or, Adventures in the American Desert. By Gustave Aimard. Philadelphia. T.B. Peterson & Brothers. 8vo. paper, pp. 152. 50 cts.

The gross revenue for the year ending on the 30th day of June last was $4,262,145; the accruing expenditures, $4,680,068; excess of expenditures, $417,923. This has been made up out of the surplus previously on hand. The cash on hand on the 1st instant was $314,068. The revenue for the year ending June 30, 1838, was $161,540 more than that for the year ending June 30, 1837.

Mary's College, which received no State aid at all. 417 Catholic pupils at the former school, as against 111 at the latter, were as Mr. Keenan says 'a poor expression of confidence or favour on the part of the colonists. The Roman Catholic religion was the creed of the great majority of the islanders, and especially of the wealthier and better educated of the coloured families.

This gives, of convicts, one in every 635 of the whole population of the State; one in 711 of the native born; one in 417 of the Chinese; one in 632 of the Irish born; and one in 1024 of the Germans. That is to say, of the different nationalities the Germans contribute the fewest convicts, the native born next, the Irish next, and the Chinese the greatest number proportionately.

He was appointed governor or prefect of T'un-hwang by the king of "the northern Leang," in 400; and there he sustained himself, becoming by and by "duke of western Leang," till he died in 417. "The river of sand;" the great desert of Kobi or Gobi; having various other names. It was a great task which the pilgrims had now before them, to cross this desert.

Lost and Hostile Gospels, Preface, p. 7. See Baring-Gould's Study of St. Paul, pp. 450-1. See Hepworth Dixon's curious work, Spiritual Wives, 1888, 2 vols. Study of St. Paul, p. 458. History of European Morals, i. p. 417. Cutten, Psychological Christianity, p. 157. Sanger, History of Prostitution, p. 116. See Blunt's Dictionary of Sects, art. "Manichæans." De Civitate Dei, ii. 4.

The capital, indeed, had no rival. Only a small part of the population, however, lived in the towns. At the beginning of the eighteenth century the census showed a total of 16,417, of whom less than 3000 were in the three chief settlements. The others were scattered along both banks of the St.

Ancient Inhabitants of America, vol. i., p. 250. It will be observed, that I assume the unity of the Indian race; and I am not sufficiently acquainted with the recent discussions on the subject, to be certain whether the question is still considered open. Conquest of Mexico, vol. iii., p. 416. Conquest of Mexico, vol. iii., p. 417. Essays Art. 'Milton. Lectures on English Poets, p. 4.

But now they may be congratulated on better success, the statistics for 1896 showing, at home and abroad, a total of nearly 90,000 members, with 1,622 chapels, 417 ministers, 3,448 local preachers, 1,350 Sunday schools, and 203,712 scholars.