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HUDSON'S BAY, which is a great inland sea with an area of about 315,000 square miles, has a southern loop or extension called James Bay, the shores of which are not at a very great distance either from Lake Superior to the south-west, or from the source of the River Saguenay on the south. The Saguenay flows into the Lower St. Lawrence River.

Although the motion was lost by 315 to 198 votes, the result was peculiarly galling to Lord John, for amongst the majority were those members who were usually opposed to the Government, whilst the minority was made up of Lord Melbourne's followers.

Sugar substitutes are not all as cheap as sugar by any means, but molasses, on account of its large amount of mineral salts, especially of calcium, has a score value of 2,315 as against 725 for granulated sugar, and may be regarded with favor by those both economically and patriotically inclined. In the case of fats, practical economy consists in paying for fuel value and not for flavor.

Although the decree for erecting this arch was, without doubt, passed immediately after the defeat of Maxentius, it appears from the monument itself, that the building was not finished and dedicated till the tenth year of Constantine's reign, or the year of Christ 315 or 316.

These highway robbers of the air often unite to gain possession of a prey already taken and killed, and ready to be eaten. When the Pelicans are returning from their expeditions with pouches filled with fish, the Caracaras attack them until they disgorge, and then alight to devour the stolen prey. Bendire, Life Histories of North American Birds, p. 315.

He thought and mused at Streatham as he did habitually everywhere, and seldom or never minded what was doing about him. On the margin of i. 315 Baretti has written: 'Johnson mused as much on the road to Paris as he did in his garret in London as much at a French opera as in his room at Streatham. A Biographical Sketch of Dr. Samuel Johnson, by Thomas Tyers, Esq. See ante, iii. 308.

Of Milton himself, he writes: 'Whatever be the advantages of rhyme, I cannot prevail on myself to wish that Milton had been a rhymer; for I cannot wish his work to be other than it is; yet, like other heroes, he is to be admired rather than imitated. Ib. vii. 142. I could thresh his old jacket till I made his pension jingle in his pocket. Southey's Cowper, iii. 315.

Accordingly, by a later entry in the book we see that the warden brought in court a certificate that the surplice had been bought and worn by the vicar. Manchester Deanery Visit., 59. See p. 15 supra. L.G. Bolingbroke; The Reformation in a Norfolk Parish, Norf. and Norw. Arch. Soc., xiii, 207-8 . Dean of York's Visit, 231 . Ibid., 315. See also ibid., 225 and 229. Ibid., 339 .

*314 Q. Who gave the Ten Commandments? A. God Himself gave the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai, and Christ Our Lord confirmed them. 315 Q. What is the First Commandment? A. The First Commandment is: "I am the Lord thy God: thou shalt not have strange gods before Me." "Strange gods."

He was returned with the largest vote ever polled for him 4,315 and he entered Parliament with all the prestige of his great struggle, and went to the front at once, one of the recognised forces in the House. The action of Mr. Speaker Peel promptly put an end to an attempted obstruction. Sir Michael Hicks Beach, Mr.