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Weber and Kohlrausch have calculated that, if the quantity of electricity associated with one milligramme of hydrogen in water were diffused over a cloud at a height of 1000 metres above the earth, it would exert upon an equal quantity of the opposite electricity at the earth's surface an attractive force of 2,268,000 kilogrammes. Faraday, sa Vie et ses Travaux, p. 20.

It sought the path of the butterfly. 265 I am in the world of the roads. The night comes. Open thy gate, thou world of the home. 266 I have sung the songs of thy day. In the evening let me carry thy lamp through the stormy path. 267 I do not ask thee into the house. Come into my infinite loneliness, my Lover. 268 Death belongs to life as birth does.

Psammetichus, an original language, 394. Punch, London, 204. Puritans, rear guard, 15. Puritanism: relaxation from, 30; after-clap, 268; in New England, 409. Putnam's Magazine, on Samuel Hoar, 213, 214. Pythagoras: imagery quoted, 385; preexistence, 391. Quakers, seeing only broad-brims, 218.

A most excellent number of an excellent series. The old parish registers of Kaskaskia, going back to 1695, contain some remarkable names of the Indian mothers such as Maria Aramipinchicoue and Domitilla Tehuigouanakigaboucoue. Sometimes the man is only distinguished by some such title as "The Parisian," or "The Bohemian." Billon, 90. Letter of P. A. Lafarge, Dec. 31, 1786. Billon, 268.

He writes, "The table given below shows that the 208,000 establishments engaged in manufacture in 1900 had increased to 268,000; but meanwhile the total value of their output had increased from $4,831 M to $8,529 M: that is, their average output had increased from 232,000 to 318,000: if we go back to 1850, when workshops, etc., were reckoned in, we find the average output of an establishment to have been less than 4,000 dollars."

The President of Panama, however, in his letter to the Queen, writes that he had but 1200 men, mostly negroes, mulattos and Indians, besides 200 slaves of the Assiento. That the president made efforts to raise men to oppose the retreat of the buccaneers, but received no support from the inhabitants, is proved by Spanish documents in Add. MSS. 11,268, gives the date as 25th February. Wm.

Our territorial growth since then has been as follows: Louisiana, acquired from France in 1803, comprising 930,928 square miles of territory. Florida, from Spain in 1821, with 59,268 square miles. Texas, admitted to the Union in 1845, with 237,504 square miles. Oregon, as settled by treaty in 1846, with 380,425 square miles. California, as conquered from Mexico in 1847, with 649,762 square miles.

The queen had foreseen the invasion; and finding that she must now contend for her crown with the whole force of Spain, she made preparations for resistance; nor was she dismayed with that power, by which all Europe apprehended she must of necessity be overwhelmed. Her force, indeed, seemed very unequal to resist so potent an enemy. * Monson, p. 256. Monson, p. 268. * Monson p. 157

Also, "The court of the Hundred is no court of record, and the suitors be thereof judges." 4 Inst., 267. Also, "The court-baron is a court incident to every manor, and is not of record, and the suitors be thereof judges." 4 Inst., 268. Also, "The court of ancient demesne is in the nature of a court-baron, wherein the suitors are judges, and is no court of record." 4 Inst., 269. Millar says,

A sum of £268 had been awarded as compensation for malicious injury and there were claims for £75 pending for malicious injuries committed during the week ended 11th inst. There were two persons under constant police protection, and 16 receiving protection by patrol. Head Constable Mulligan said that Mrs. Fitzpatrick was under police protection.