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Crawford County, Kansas, from 285 to 1,975; that was the home of the "Appeal to Reason"! Battle Creek, Michigan, from 4,261 to 10,184; that was the answer of labor to the Citizens' Alliance Movement! And then there were official returns from the various precincts and wards of the city itself!

Strafford, in passing from his apartment to Tower Hill, where the scaffold was erected, stopped under Laud's windows, with whom he had long lived in intimate friendship, and entreated the assistance of his prayers in those awful moments which were approaching. * Clarendon, vol. i. p. 261, 262. Rush. vol. v. p. 264. See note G, at the end of the volume * Whitlocke, p. 44. Rush. vol. v. p. 265.

It seemed no inconsiderable advantage, that she could, by marrying him, unite both their claims; and as he was by birth an Englishman, and could not by his power or alliances give any ground of suspicion to Elizabeth, it was hoped that the proposal of this marriage would not be unacceptable to that jealous princess. * Keith, p. 261. Keith, p. 280, 282. Jebb, vol. ii. p. 46.

It was the fall of the apple which gave Newton his theory of gravitation. For Helvetius, see Nouvelle Biographie universelle. Morley, Diderot, ii. 141. Grimm, iv. 80. Morellet, i. 71, 140. Morellet represents himself as a tame cat in Helvetius's house. Compare Locke, i. 261, ii. 97. The doctrine of utility is probably nearly as old as philosophy itself.

Of the predominant white which distinguishes our war-vessels in time of peace, not a vestige remained. In its place was the blackness of desolating death, marking the spot where two hundred and sixty-six brave men had gone over into the Beyond. The total loss to the government as a result of the disaster was officially pronounced to be $4,689,261.31.

Fleetwood had married his daughter; Desborow his sister; yet these men, actuated by principle alone, could by no persuasion, artifice, or entreaty be induced to consent that their friend and patron should be invested with regal dignity. * Thurloe, vol. vi. p. 261.

"The maintenance of these two armies costs me 261,000 crowns a month," said Philip to his envoy Ybarra.

Deducting from the total receipts the sum of $63,261.84, received from international money orders of the preceding fiscal year, and deducting from the total expenditures the sum of $1,163,818.20, paid on liabilities incurred in previous fiscal years, the expenditures and receipts appertaining to the business of the last fiscal year were as follows: Expenditures $32,322,504.24

9th, That the annual town meeting shall be held on the first Thursday of March. The following officers were then elected for the town: Supervisor, William Richardson. Town Clerk, Adam Brown. Collector, Hiram Shepherd. Sealer of weights and measures, Eliakim R. Ford. In 1835, five years after the organization of the town, the whole tax-paying population of Oneonta was 261.

There can scarcely be named any Latin building of architectural importance belonging to this period, except the temple of Ceres built in the Circus at Rome in 261, which was regarded in the period of the empire as a model of the Tuscanic style. But towards the close of this epoch a new spirit appeared in Italian and particularly in Roman architecture; the building of the magnificent arches began.