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And so, naturally, the older noël writers without any thought of anachronism, and the modern writers by poetic instinct made complete their translation of the story of the Nativity into their vernacular by transferring its scene to their own land. It was with Saboly's "Hòu, de l'houstau!" that our singing began.

The deliverance was in the vernacular of the devotee, and low or loud, shrill or hoarse, according to the intensity of the passion possessing him.

As vernacular languages were used for poetry, problems of Hindi composition began to dwarf those of Sanskrit. It was necessary to discuss how best to treat each nayika and nayaka not only in Sanskrit but in Hindi poetry also, and to meet this situation Keshav Das, the poet of Orchha in Bundelkhand, produced in 1591 his Rasika Priya.

It is time to retrace our steps and to pick up the thread which we dropped in a former chapter, the development, namely, of the vernacular eclogue in Italy.

He was by this time tolerably versed in the vernacular of the Mediterranean, and a cook's boy, shipped at Gibraltar, was also supposed to be capable of interpreting.

This I believe to be the only way in which we can raise up a good vernacular literature in this country." These hopeful anticipations have been more than fulfilled. Twice twenty years have brought into existence, not hundreds or thousands, but hundreds of thousands, of natives who can appreciate European knowledge when laid before them in the English language, and can reproduce it in their own.

The chief's wonder grew. What meant these peculiar sentences? "Wouldst put thy hand into gold as far as the wrist and take what thou couldst hold?" "Yee, holy one; for I am human. Whither leads these questions? What is it you would of me?" "There are some who need to be far away to see things. Well, good man, there is a treasure under your feet," falling into the vernacular.

Strickland looked at me above the rifle, and said, in the vernacular, 'Thou art witness to this saying? He has killed. Bahadur Khan stood ashen gray in the light of the one lamp. The need for justification came upon him very swiftly. 'I am trapped, he said, 'but the offence was that man's. He cast an evil eye upon my child, and I killed and hid him.

There was no mistaking the refinement and good breeding in the girl's sweet face. Slim had known better, yet nearly always he had talked in the language of the uneducated Westerner, in the jargon of yeggmen, and the vernacular of the professional tramps with whom he had hoboed over the West a "gay cat," as he was pleased to call himself, when boasting of the "toughness" of his life.

On this Macaulay remarks "To hire four or five people to make a literature is a course which never answered and never will answer, in any part of the world. Languages grow. They cannot be built. We are now following the slow but sure course on which alone we can depend for a supply of good books in the vernacular languages of India.