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Shortly afterwards his father died, and, having been estranged from his elder son, Michael Vanstone, bequeathed all his property to Andrew. Andrew Vanstone passed his life in a round of vicious pleasures, but as his better nature had almost been destroyed by a woman, so now it was retrieved by a woman.

You are under obligations to her fidelity and attachment in your father's time, as well as in your own; and if you can quiet the anxieties which seem to be driving this unfortunate woman mad, I really think you ought to come here and do so. Your leaving Mrs. Noel Vanstone is of course out of the question. There is no necessity for any such hard-hearted proceeding.

The noise and merriment were at their height when the servant came in, and struck the whole party dumb by the announcement of visitors in the drawing-room. "Mr. Marrable, Mrs. Marrable, and Miss Marrable; Evergreen Lodge, Clifton." Norah rose as readily as if the new arrivals had been a relief to her mind. Mrs. Vanstone was the next to leave her chair.

At the foot of the house-steps he stopped again; plucked a twig from a plant near him; broke it in his hand; and looked about him uneasily, on this side and on that. The path to the left led back to his father's cottage the way of escape lay open. Why not take it? While he still hesitated, Mr. Vanstone and his daughter reached the top of the steps.

Francis Clare. 'And where is he? 'In the house at this moment. 'Will you be so very charming, Miss Vanstone, as to fetch him? 'I'll fetch him, Miss Marrable, with the greatest pleasure. I left the window-seat I rushed into the morning-room I smelled cigars I followed the smell and here I am." "It's a compliment, I know, to be asked to act," said Frank, in great embarrassment.

Fame for my fair relative, and a fortune for myself. I put these considerations, as frankly as usual, to Miss Vanstone; offering to write the Entertainment, to manage all the business, and to share the profits. I did not forget to strengthen my case by informing her of the jealousies she would encounter, and the obstacles she would meet, if she went on the stage.

In this latter event, I will write to you again; for I shall then have something more to say, which may greatly surprise you, on the subject of the Will. "Faithfully yours, From Mrs. Noel Vanstone to Mr. Loscombe. "November 16th.

In the all-mastering agitation of the moment, she clapped her hands together, and cried out suddenly in the darkness: "Miss Vanstone again!!!" She got out of bed and kindled the light once more. Steady as her nerves were, the shock of her own suspicion had shaken them. Her firm hand trembled as she opened her dressing-case and took from it a little bottle of sal-volatile.

The end of it was, our inquiries were all baffled, and I traveled back with Miss Vanstone and her attendant as far as our station here. I think I shall call on the Tyrrels when I am next in London. I have certainly treated that family with the most inexcusable neglect. "Here I am at the end of my third sheet of note-paper!

"The other box, which contains my own dresses, you will be kind enough to forward to this house. I do not ask you to bring it yourself, because I have a far more important commission to intrust to you. "Referring to the note which you left for me at your departure, I conclude that you have by this time traced Mr. Noel Vanstone from Vauxhall Walk to the residence which he is now occupying.