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Davidson never stated the consequences of his thought; for just then came a universal call to clear the tables, stow away the boards and tressels, and make room for dancing and small plays. The hilarity may be imagined the boisterous fun of general blindman's buff, ladies' toilet, and all varieties of forfeits.

At eight o’clock the cloth was spread in a long, low lumber-room at the back of the inn, and the assembled carpenters took their seats before the board, or rather boards supported upon tressels. I took my place and waited hungrily.

There was a little table in front of the window, with a small looking-glass upon it, and a cane-seated chair was placed by the bedside and the floor was covered with a faded piece of drab-coloured carpet of no perceptible pattern, worn into holes in several places. In the middle of this dreary room, upon a pair of tressels, was the coffin containing Philpot's body.

And putting aside the sack, he pressed his way into the opening. Young Jack glanced around him at the boxes on the tressels. An unpleasant feeling stole over him. He did not relish being left alone with the dead. He felt convinced that those ugly boxes did contain the bodies of dead prisoners. "I'm with you, Harry," he said.

Some long pine-boards resting on tressels served for a table, which almost groaned with the good things of this earth, in the shape of roast lamb and green peas, roast sucking-pig, shoulder of mutton, apple-sauce, and pies, puddings, and preserves in abundance, with plenty of beer and Canadian whiskey. Our bees proved so industrious, that before six o'clock all Mr.

There were several ugly-looking long boxes, whose shape was uniform and suggestive, standing upon tressels. Besides these, there were no objects in the room or shed beyond a few badly-filled sacks which rested against the wall. They looked anxiously about them. Nearly facing the place where they had made their entrance was a door, and this they tried without a moment's loss of time. Fast.

He learned at the same time, that Marshal Oudinot had driven the Russians from Borisow without being able to prevent them from burning the bridge. He could there check Tchitchakoff, and leave Napoleon time to throw over the ford at Studianka a simple bridge of tressels, which was the only apparatus General Eble had been able to preserve during their rout.

There was a long, narrow table in the woodshed some planks laid upon two tressels; and the walls were piled with all kinds of sawn wood, deal planks, and rough timber, and a great deal of broken furniture and heaps of shavings. The woodshed was so full of rubbish of all kinds that there was only just room enough to walk up and down the table.

'I shall be very glad when it's all over, she said, as she led the way up the narrow stairs, closely followed by Hunter, who carried the tressels, Crass and Sawkins, bringing up the rear with the coffin. 'I shall be very glad when it's all over, for I'm sick and tired of answerin' the door to undertakers.

Sometimes Crass sent him with a handcart to one job to get a pair of steps or tressels, or a plank, or some material or other, and take them to another job, and on these occasions it was often very late before he was able to take his meals.