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Davis, he was hardly at liberty to speak his mind fully, but intimated that he ought to clear out, "escape the country," only it would not do for him to say so openly. As usual, he illustrated his meaning by a story: A man once had taken the total-abstinence pledge.

"Three hundred signed the pledge last night," said his wife to him, a few weeks after the occurrence of the dinner-party, just mentioned. "Three hundred! We are carrying everything before us." "Who can tell," resumed the wife, "the amount of happiness involved in three hundred pledges to total-abstinence? There were, doubtless, many husbands and fathers among the number who signed.

Hereafter, I shall act upon the total-abstinence principle for only in total-abstinence, is there safety for one like me." There was something so solemn and earnest in the manner of her husband, that Mrs. Martin's drooping spirits began to revive. Again did her eye brighten, and her cheek kindle. Then came a gush of tears attesting the power of a new impulse. The failing hope was renewed!

Six months of total-abstinence will give me a control over myself that I do not now possess." "I very much fear, sir," urged the Alderman, notwithstanding he perceived that the young man was growing impatient "and you must pardon my freedom in saying so, that you will find yourself in error.

As, for instance, I consider this binding of a man to perpetual total-abstinence, as an unnecessary infringement of individual liberty. As I look upon it, the use of the pledge, is to enable a man, by the power of an external restraint, to gain the mastery over an appetite that has mastered him. When that is accomplished, all that is wanted is obtained: of what use is the pledge after that?"

Many persons had the idea that no place could prosper without taverns that to attract business and strangers taverns were necessary. I could not accomplish my object by the influence of total-abstinence men, as they were too few in numbers in proportion to the whole community.

He did not drink a drop of spirits or wine, and would have signed a total-abstinence pledge if I had asked him to do so. I am not quite old enough to be his father; but if he had been my son I could have had no more influence over him.

I've seen half a dozen young men try for an hour by all kinds of means to induce him to taste wine; but it was no use. He was immovable." "I don't care; he couldn't refuse me, if I set myself about it." "He could, and he would, Clara." "I don't believe a word of it." "Try him, then." "I don't see any use in it. Let him enjoy his total-abstinence! if he wishes to." "I knew you were afraid."

It was found generally that the abstainers from strong drink suffered less from bad health and unwholesome surroundings than their fellows, and as there were a good many in the regiment, who were constantly endeavouring to convince their comrades of the advantages of total-abstinence, things were not so bad as they might have been.

It simply means this, that he has an iron constitution, and can drink five times as much as I can without showing its effects, and to-day if Mr. R.N. would ask him to sign the total-abstinence pledge, he wouldn't hear to it. Yes I am ready to sign any articles he will bring, even if it is to sign never to enter this house, or see his face; but my mother poor mother, I am sorry for her sake."