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Still it was judged wiser to slip out severally; and as Villon was himself in a hurry to escape from the neighborhood of the dead Thevenin, and the rest were in a still greater hurry to get rid of him before he should discover the loss of his money, he was the first by general consent to issue forth into the street. The wind had triumphed and swept all the clouds from heaven.

"Come now," said Villon "about this ballade. How does it run so far?" And beating time with his hand, he read it aloud to Tabary. They were interrupted at the fourth rhyme by a brief and fatal movement among the gamesters. The round was completed, and Thevenin was just opening his mouth to claim another victory, when Montigny leaped up, swift as an adder, and stabbed him to the heart.

A flat smile illuminated his face; his bald head shone rosily in a garland of red curls; his little protuberant stomach shook with silent chucklings as he swept in his gains. "Doubles or quits?" said Thevenin. Montigny nodded grimly. "Some may prefer to dine in state" wrote Villon, "On bread and cheese on silver plate. Or or help me out, Guido!" Tabary giggled.

Hunger that causes the wolf to sally from the wood, may well make a man do worse than steal. I could tell you For example, you might ask in Hell of one Thevenin Pensete, who knifed him in the cemetery of Saint John." He hinted a lie, for it was Montigny who killed Thevenin Pensete. Villon played without scruple now. Catherine's face was white.

The friendly demeanour of the great man cheered the prisoner and he answered bluffly: "My good conscience sustains me." Villon's demeanour was still amicable as he put his next question in a voice that came only to Jeban's ears. "I am glad to hear it. How did Thevenin Pensete come to his death?"

"The players of the Théâtre de la Nation are aristocrats, and the citoyen François' piece tends to make men regret the privileges of the noblesse." "Gentlemen," said Rose Thévenin, "have you patience to listen only to those who flatter you?" As midday approached everybody began to feel pangs of hunger and the little band marched back to the inn.

Still it was judged wiser to slip out severally; and as Villon was himself in a hurry to escape from the neighbourhood of the dead Thevenin, and the rest were in a still greater hurry to get rid of him before he should discover the loss of his money, he was the first by general consent to issue forth into the street. The wind had triumphed and swept all the clouds from heaven.

Jean Blaise, an adept at combining pleasure with profit, had also extended an invitation to the citoyenne Thévenin, an actress at the Vaudeville, who was reputed to be on the best of terms with him.

They had contrived his escape, she would have it, by a subterranean passage, and had handed over to the headsman in his stead a man of the common people. At the old woman's feet, in his wicker cradle, Jeannot, the last born of the Poitrines, was cutting his teeth. The citoyenne Thévenin lifted the cradle and smiled at the child, which moaned feebly, worn out with feverishness and convulsions.

"Come now," said Villon "about this ballade. How does it run so far?" And beating time with his hand, he read it aloud to Tabary. They were interrupted at the fourth rhyme by a brief and fatal movement among the gamesters. The round was completed, and Thevenin was just opening his mouth to claim another victory, when Montigny leaped up, swift as an adder, and stabbed him to the heart.