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"Do you know what the other side offer me, poor devil of a general-secretary?" "What?" "I owe thirty-thousand and odd miserable francs, you will despise me because it isn't more, but here, I grant you, I am significant. Well, Baudoyer's uncle has bought up my debts, and is, doubtless, ready to give me a receipt for them if Baudoyer is appointed." "But all that is monstrous."

He was pleased with the growth and promise of Buffalo and Detroit, was charmed with "the beautiful flowery prairies and natural groves of Michigan," and wrote of them: "To get an idea of Prairie Round, imagine an oval plain of some thirty-thousand acres, of surprising fertility, without an eminence; a few small cavities, however, are springs of water the cattle will drink."

This was the day, he remembered, when the wealthy rancher of Ruxton was to look over old Chris Dorn's wheat-fields. Dorn owed thirty-thousand dollars and interest for years, mostly to Anderson. Kurt hated the debt and resented the visit, but he could not help acknowledging that the rancher had been lenient and kind.

Such enterprises show the wealth of the people in this State, and astonish the traveler, who imagines, in driving over the great plain, that it is almost uninhabited, but sees, in a thirty-thousand dollar school-house in a little town like Red Bluff, that not only are there people, but that they have the courage to bear taxation for good objects, and the means to pay.

"Do tell! don't you know that I am now a married man good as the rest of you?" "Married, my good doctor! To whom?" "Why, to a young widow from England, with only one child, and worth thirty-thousand pounds sterling think of that!" "Indeed! Well: I wish you joy, doctor. It's a long road that never turns. But I hope there's no doubt" "There's no doubt or mistake in the matter.

Winding through a cart-track in Michie's Woods, we came upon fully one third of the whole army, or the remnant of all that portion engaged at Gaines's Mill; the Reserves, Porter's Corps, Slocum's division, and Meagher's brigade, perhaps thirty-thousand men.

General Travis laughed, and that season one of his horses won the Tennessee Valley Futurity, worth thirty-thousand dollars and the splendid estate was again free from debt. There was not a negro on the place who did not love the overseer, not one who did not carry that love to the extent of doing his best to please him.

One is the growing passion, or fashion, if any one likes to call it so, of Americans to live in their own houses, both summer and winter. This is rapidly taking possession of all classes, from the New England mechanic, who puts up his shanty or tent on the seashore, to the millionaire who builds his hundred-thousand dollar villa on his thirty-thousand dollar lot.

The wildest rumours of the extent and cost of the ball circulated beforehand. It was said that eighteen thousand persons were engaged in it. The Earl of Pembroke was to wear thirty-thousand pounds' worth of diamonds the few diamonds in his hat alone would be of the value of eighteen thousand pounds.

It is a distressing but entirely unavoidable fact, that if this person acts in the manner which he has determined upon, he will be condemned to the lowest place of torment reserved for those who fail at the end of an otherwise pure existence, and in this he will never have an opportunity of meeting the very much higher placed Ah-Ping, and of restoring to him the thirty-thousand taels as agreed upon.