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Sara would have accepted the invitation without hesitation, but that there seemed to her certain reasons why her absence from Sunnyside just now was inadvisable reasons based on her loyalty to Doctor Dick and the trust he had reposed in her. For the last few weeks she had been perplexed and not a little worried concerning Molly's apparent accession to comparative wealth.

She was employed at last about the person of that young girl, who had lived at Sunnyside since she was a child, a friendless orphan." There was a quick, gasping moan as if the soul were parting from the body, and Rosamond fell upon her face, which the pillows concealed from view, while Miss Porter hurriedly proceeded: "There is but little more to tell.

On the contrary he was much alone, and when with me was always tormenting me with conscientious scruples about deceiving 'the old man." "Oh, I like him for that," cried Rosamond, "I like him for that. Why didn't you let him tell?" "Because," returned Miss Porter, "I had fears that father would disinherit me, and if Richard lost Sunnyside we should be poor indeed."

They walked up the church very sedately, and took their places in the Rectory pew. Rosamund longed to ask a thousand questions about them. They were so much more interesting than the girls who were staying at Sunnyside; they were so fresh, and their dress so out of the common.

I wish merely to ask you a question." "Won't you sit down?" "It will not be necessary. Doctor, has any one come to you, either early this morning or to-day, to have you treat a bullet wound?" "Nothing so startling has happened to me," he said. "A bullet wound! Things must be lively at Sunnyside." "I didn't say it was at Sunnyside. But as it happens, it was.

My mother went outside, and came back quickly to tell us that it was not a shot from the fort, but from the enemy. The bombs followed in quick succession. They flew over Schanskop fort, and fell close to our house at Sunnyside. As the ground was rocky they exploded well. My mother and sister fled with our neighbours to the town, and my brother and I saddled our horses and rode off to Quaggaspoort.

Little-Dad says that if a person could just bore right through Kettle you'd come out on the sixth hole of the Wayside Golf course only it'd be an awfully long bore." John Westley laughed hilariously. He had suddenly thought how carefully his guide always planned easy hikes for him. The girl went on. "But it's just a little way down this trail to Sunnyside that's where I live.

The little girl thought of it many a time afterward, when it had become much more famous, as Sunnyside.

But, maybe, child, you'll find that what you have right here is far better than anything on the other side of the mountain. Now, suppose you lead the way to Sunnyside." Jerry sprang ahead eagerly. "And then you'll meet Sweetheart and Little-Dad and Bigboy and Pepperpot!"

The next day the captain came again, and the next, and the next, until at last his former intimacy at Maple Grove seemed to be re-established. And all this time no one had an inkling of the true state of things, not even John Jr., who never dreamed it possible for his haughty sister, to grace Sunnyside as its mistress.