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"If you don't succeed in catching him one way, try another. Remember the bear with a cold." "What do you mean?" asked the children. "Don't you know the story of the bear with a cold?" was the reply. "No; do tell us!" they cried. "Why, you see," said the fish, "there was once an old bear, who had a dreadful cold, and his friends all advised him to try different things to cure it.

The following is another of them: "I tell you what I will do, Narbonne I tell you how I will vent my spite on this old fool of a Pope, and the dotards who may succeed him said Napoleon one day at the Tuileries. "I will make a schism as great as that of Luther I will make France a Protestant country!" "O Sire," replied the Count, "I see difficulties in the way of this project.

Or, rather, we do not even perceive their union until the moment when, by a process of analysis, we succeed in convincing ourselves that that which we at first considered single is really double, or, if you like, can be made into two by the reason, without being so in reality. Thus it happens that we bring this big problem in metaphysics on to the field of observation.

When we got into the carriage I said: "Well?" "Well," said our friend the consul, who had not spoken during the interview, "he is the queerest man I ever met. But how he pumped you!" "We are all 'copy' to him," said Jimmie. "He wanted information at first hand." "Sometime he may succeed in convincing his daughter," said Mrs. Jimmie, "but never his wife. She knows him too well."

Not a mere illusion of the craving heart something real, as real as the solid walls of fact against which, like seaweed, they are dashed; something to give each separate personality sunshine and a flower in its own existence now; something to shape this million-handed labor to an end and outcome that will leave more sunshine and more flowers to those who must succeed?

True it is, that Providence hath so ordained, and doth so govern things, that those who break the great law of Heaven by shedding man's blood seldom succeed in avoiding discovery. Especially, in a case exciting so much attention as this, discovery must come, and will come, sooner or later.

Notwithstanding this failure, the project, far from being deemed impracticable, would beyond all doubt succeed, and, under powerful patronage, completely answer the well-founded hopes of its original conceivers and promoters.

He rode along in silence for some moments. "I want to be fair," he resumed at last, "and do not desire to get you in this on mistaken premises. This will not be a case of experiment, of plaything, but of business. However desirable a commercial theory may be, if it's commercial, it must pay! It's not enough if you don't lose money; or even if you succeed in coming out a little ahead.

As often as she lingered by the spring she wetted her stubborn hair to smooth it, and washed her face with as much zeal as if she thought she should succeed in washing the dark hue out of her skin. And all this she did for him, that on his return she might charm him as much as the white woman in the oasis, whom she hated as fiercely as she loved him passionately.

Brindley and Brunel did not succeed at the first trial. It is the sluggard only who is always crying, "There is a lion in the streets." Be daring trust in God, and He will fight for you; man of money, whom these words have touched, godliness has the promise of this life, as well as of that to come.