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The wind sported with her gown, and blew her veil across her face, and seemed to make game of her, though on a nearer view she looked like a sad old creature, with a pale, thin countenance, and somewhat of a wild and wandering expression.

The King had no sooner begun to speak as formerly, but the voice came again, 'Sir John, come away, your sack stayeth for you. At that Sir John began to stamp with madness, and looked out and returned several times to the King, but could not be quiet in his discourse with the King, because of the voice that so often troubled him, till the king had sported enough." WEBSTER on Witchcraft, p. 124.

"Yes," answered Mrs. Hare, with alacrity, who was always pleased when somebody else decided for her. "But I should like some tea before we start, Barbara." Barbara took care that her mamma should have some tea and then they proceeded toward East Lynne. It was a lovely evening the air warm, and the humming gnats sported in it as if to make the most of the waning summer. Mrs.

Day by day, in my little walks, I passed a large square encompassed by a low wall and lofty iron railing, in which several hundreds of boys and girls with rosy cheeks and light hearts, sported, and sang like fairies holding festival.

Cronnin was in his sixties, with the nearsighted squint and compressed look of concentration of an old-time precision machinist; Fields was much younger, and sported a Phi Beta Kappa key. Lyons, who seemed to be the senior mediator, thereupon called the meeting to order and they took their places at the table. "Now, gentlemen and Dr.

Such was the Countess of Albany, to whom human affection was so necessary. She herself is buried close by, in the chapel of the Castellani. Mrs. Piozzi, in her "Glimpses of Italian Society," mentions seeing in Florence in 1785 the unhappy Pretender. Though old and sickly, he went much into society, sported the English arms and livery, and wore the garter.

The custom of kindling bonfires on Midsummer Eve prevailed all over Cumberland down to the second half of the eighteenth century. In Northumberland the custom seems to have lasted into the first quarter of the nineteenth century; the fires were lit in the villages and on the tops of high hills, and the people sported and danced round them. At Sandhill bonfires were kindled on the Eve of St.

I was at Harrow with the Duke of Aosta, brother of the beautiful Queen Margherita of Italy. H. R. H. sported a full curly yellow beard at the age of sixteen, a somewhat unusual adornment for an English schoolboy.

"I did not know this coast, and foolishly imagined the old Pacific, in which I have sported and played since babyhood, was my friend wherever I found it." "I hope you are feeling better and stronger this evening," said Mr. Merrick. "We expected you to join us at dinner." "I I seldom dine in public," he explained, flushing slightly.

He soon convinced them he would share with them every bit of news he got from Brierly, the police, or the Tontine group as it was now called. All of them now had the story of Boyle's arrest. Jimmy listened with a grin as they told him of their experience when they tried to pump Professor Brierly. One of them sported a black eye.