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The slaps, gates, and enclosures were down the hedges broken or cut away the fences trampled on and levelled to the earth and nothing seemed to thrive for the garden was overrun with them but the rank weeds already alluded to, as those which love to trace the footsteps of ruin and desolation, in order to show, as it were, what they leave behind them.

This was shown by the old man patting our breasts, and making a chuckling kind of noise, as people do when feeding chickens. I walked with the old man, and this demonstration of friendship was repeated several times; it was concluded by three hard slaps, which were given me on the breast and back at the same time.

The young ladies, on behalf of Mr Pecksniff and themselves, acted on this thoughtful advice; and in consideration of their private friendship, presented Mr Bailey with a gratuity so liberal that he could hardly do enough to show his gratitude; which found but an imperfect vent, during the remainder of the day, in divers secret slaps upon his pocket, and other such facetious pantomime.

Anything more deft or graceful than the swiftness and ease with which the young noble handled his weapon he had never imagined. Admiration crowded out every other feeling. "I hope that he will win!" he muttered presently. "By St. George, I hope that he will win!" and his soothing pats on the horse's neck became frantic slaps in his excitement.

And the soldiers having platted a crown of thorns, put it on his head, and they clothed him in a purple robe, and said, Hail, King of the Jews! and they gave him slaps on the face with their hands. Then again went Pilate out, and said to them, Behold, I bring him out to you, that ye may know that I find in him no fault at all. Then came Jesus out, bearing the thorny crown, and the purple robe.

Bixby gave him a look of infinite admiration, as though he could not have pursued any more admirable line. "I know Steve Merrill better'n I know you," said Mr. Bixby, "and he knows me. Whenever he sees me at the state capital he says, 'How be you, Bije? just as natural as if I was a railroad president, and slaps me on the back. When be you goin' to the capital, Will?

There were some for the slaps and there were some for the kisses. Coqueville was in revolution. In the village two people only, the curé and the garde champêtre? belonged neither to the Mahés nor to the Floches.

"I don't own 'em, missus; but, from what I can hear, they're restin' and recoverin' their strength." "I've brought you the stakes from our side," says Sally, and down she slaps a five-pound note and a sovereign upon the table. "Take 'em up, missus take 'em up. I don't feel equal to the responsibility. This here's a public challenge, hey?" "The publicker the better."

Without awaiting my reply, he placed a cigarette between my lips and lighted it, and resumed his task of polishing every inch of me. "He doesn't talk much, but he is obliging," I thought. And I sent a puff of smoke into his face. This pleasantry seemed to delight him immensely. He showed his pleasure by giving me great slaps.

He felt that he wanted to box her ears, and for an instant he wished himself small again that he might do it, though he remembered what a terrible fighter Aurora had been when she was a little girl, and had preserved a vivid recollection of her well-aimed slaps. "Don't talk about my mother in that way," he said angrily. "I'm not talking of her at all. She is a saint, and I love her very much.