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If any two of the following materials be rubbed together, that higher in the list becomes positively and the other negatively electrified: Cats' fur. Polished glass. Wool. Cork, at ordinary temperature. Coarse brown paper. Cork, heated. White silk. Black silk. Shellac. Rough glass. The list shows that quality, as well as kind, of material affects the production of electricity.

Having thus prepared the varnish, clean well the surface which is to be japanned; then apply vermilion ground in shellac varnish or with drying oil, very thinly diluted with oil of turpentine, on the places intended to imitate the more transparent parts of the tortoise-shell.

A mixture of sandarac and shellac will result in an extremely hard and almost insoluble varnish, a very undesirable covering for a musical instrument of any kind as it wears badly, that is, suddenly and harshly with a rough fractured edge, instead of the gentle thinning-away under usage, seen with a delicate yielding material.

It was not long before the core was neatly wrapped, and Bob stopped his lathe. "That looks fine," he said, eyeing the job critically. "Now, while that shellac is drying out a bit, let's see if we can't coax Doughnuts to get up off that couch."

Take 1 oz. of shellac, 1/4 oz. of gum-arabic, and 1/4 oz. of gum copal; bruise them well, and sift them through a piece of muslin, then put them along with a pint of spirits of win into a closely corked vessel, place it in a very warm situation, and shake it frequently every day till the gums are dissolved, then strain through a piece of muslin, and keep it corked for use.

Let it stand a few weeks, until the rich flavor has died down, so that you can look at it for quite a while without nausea; then add vinegar and copperas to suit the taste, and apply by means of a whisk broom. When dry, help yourself to some more of it. This gives the floor a rich pauper's coffin shade, over which shellac or cod liver oil should be applied.

That’s what I came for and some shellac and wire, and a screwdriver of sorts? We need patching as well as petrol; and we’re a little short of supplies." Wayland’s steady gaze never left him, but his smile was friendly. "We’re in a tearing hurry, too," added the flight-lieutenant, looking out of the window. Wayland smiled. "Of course there’s no petrol here. There’s nothing here.

An' don't go reachin-' around in under that bar, 'cause if you find what you're huntin' fer you're a-goin' to see fer yourself if every cloud's got a silver linin'. 'Tend to business now, an' set out a bottle of your famous ol' Las Vegas stummick shellac an' while I'm imbibin' of its umbilical ambrosier, I'll jest onscrew your nose an' feed it to the cat."

The presence of this free or excess alkali can be at once detected by rubbing a little phenolphthalein solution on to the freshly-cut surface of a piece of soap; if free alkali be present, a red colour will be produced. Shellac. The resin tribe, of which shellac is a member, comprises vegetable products of a certain degree of similarity.

Dissolve in a well-corked vessel in a warm place and with frequent shaking. After two or three days the shellac will be dissolved. It is then recommended to filter the solution through a flannel bag, and when all that will come through freely has done so the varnish should be run into a proper sized vessel and kept carefully corked for use.