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He had consulted the paper, and attacked his task with fresh energy for the third or fourth time, when his eyes happened to rest upon the window full of scrutinizing faces. His lips moved in some sudden exclamation, and then he shut the window with vehemence, and drew the curtain which obscured the lower half of it. "Not a very kind reception of your theory, so far," said Marcus.

"I am always in spirits after I have made a good bargain." "Bargain?" said Eugene. "Well, yes, bargain. I have just delivered a lot of goods, and I shall be paid a handsome commission on them Mlle. Michonneau," he went on, seeing that the elderly spinster was scrutinizing him intently, "have you any objection to some feature in my face, that you are making those lynx eyes at me?

The impassible minister had had his chair placed by that of the King, as a physician would seat himself by the bedside of his patient, and fixed his sparkling and scrutinizing eyes upon the pale countenance of Louis. As soon as his victim could hear him, he renewed his fearful discourse in a hollow voice: "You have recalled me. What would you with me?"

All I can tell you is, that the reverend father lays as much stress upon this meeting as you do. If he has chosen this house for the interview, it is because you have an interest to be here. You know it well though you affected astonishment on hearing the guardian speak of a notary." So saying, Rodin fixed a scrutinizing, anxious look upon Gabriel, whose countenance expressed only surprise.

The judge charged the jury, and before the force of his sound, legal utterances, the airy castles which had been so ingeniously builded fell to the ground, and the hopes of the prisoner and his friends were buried in their ruins. The case was handed to the twelve men, and many scrutinizing glances were directed toward them as they slowly retired to deliberate upon their verdict.

Accordingly he set to work in the office, crawling torch in hand along the boards, scrutinizing the joints between them for any that were not closed with dust, feeling for any that might be loose. But all to no purpose. The boards ran in one length across the floor and were obviously firmly nailed down on fixed joists.

Down the gravel, through the sunshine, strayed, between flower borders, a gaunt and grizzled man who bent, here and there, over a blossom, and touched it with tender, wise fingers and gazed this way and that, scrutinizing, absorbed, across the masses of living color.

"Upon my soul, that's charming!" he said, scrutinizing us as though we were mannequins. "This is actually life.... This is really what reality is bound to be. Why are you silent, Pelagea Ivanovna?" he said, addressing Tatyana Ivanovna. She coughed, overcome with confusion. "Talk, my friends, sing... play!... Don't lose time. You know, time, the rascal, runs away and waits for no man!

She picked up her basket and backed out after the others, scrutinizing the floor to make certain they had left nothing to tell of their visit. "It's a secret, Blossom," she cautioned. "Promise you'll never tell any one?" "But you'll have to tell Dad, Mena. He always goes in with Slade and Cochise to measure the mash And you know he sometimes goes in first to start the cooking."

Where's that? It sounds like China." Grannie had also possessed herself of a section, and was scrutinizing it through her spectacles. "I'll need my reading-glass, Mary, my dear," she said; "my old eyes cannot see this tiny print."