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It is almost needless to say that James took advantage of this temporary unity and enthusiasm in order to invade England a thing without which no Scots King could be said to be happy.

I think she would have been contented with a knight wearing her colours." "Well, I cannot help it," said Berengaria, but somewhat doubtingly. And then, after a moment's pause, "She is too ugly." "Why, she came to my fancy ball, and it is not five years ago, as Mary Queen of Scots!" "That must have been after the Queen's decapitation," said Berengaria. "I wonder you did not ask Zenobia," said Mr.

For more than twenty years she was worried by fear that either France or Spain would put her Catholic cousin, Mary Queen of Scots, on the English throne. With masterly diplomacy, Elizabeth for a long time managed to retain the active friendship of at least one of these great powers, in order to restrain the other from interfering.

Howden with a toss of her head; "and as for you and young I trow ye were doing for yoursell at the last riding of the Scots Parliament, and that was in the gracious year seven, sae ye can be nae sic chicken at ony rate."

In Paris he was surrounded by restless spirits like his own; Scots and Irish officers in the French service, and heart-broken exiles like old Tullibardine, eager for any chance that would restore them to their own country. Even prudent men of business lent themselves to Charles's plans.

It is established beyond doubt, for instance, that King Richard III. was a man of loving disposition, and that the story of his being an accessory to the death of the little princes has no foundation. We know also that the Scots deliberately planned the loss of the battle of Flodden in order to pave the way for their modern invasion of England and the capture of all the good jobs in the empire.

"Now there arose a great man in Argyll, who was mightier than any of the Scots that had so lightly allowed their lands to be torn away from them, and this was king Somerled.

This called out the Solemn League and Covenant of the Scots for the defense of Presbyterianism. For eleven years the king had governed without a Parliament, but he needed money. The "Short Parliament" was assembled; but, as it refused to obey the king, it was quickly dissolved.

Bell formed his close intimacy with all the distinguished writers of his day; and if this was not the most useful, it certainly was the most interesting part of the career of him whom we are proud to acknowledge as the author of "Mary, Queen of Scots." From this time forward he was the most intimate friend and companion of Wilson and Hogg.

When they left a crowd had gathered, and as they rode out from the village a voice cried: "Woe unto the man of blood a double woe! He goeth, but he shall not return, his doom is fixed." An approving murmur from the hearers showed what the Scots folk thought of John Graham.